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Topics - master

Pages: 1
General Mach Discussion / PROBLEM WITH FEED
« on: March 09, 2010, 10:45:16 AM »
Hi!! every one,
I have a problem with a feed went working together   Z/Y or Z/X  axis,machine move too slow,Can I change any setting to be work
with more feeding speed?
Thanks for help,Eugenio

Spanish / Como alterar el avance(feed) entre y/z simultaneo?
« on: February 25, 2010, 01:36:11 PM »
Saludos a todos!!
Pueden decirme la forma de alterar el avance(feed) resultante entre los ejes Y-Z  enmaquinado de superfie.
Ej: (art surface) mi avance es de 60pulgadas/minuto  cuando se produce
un movimiento de Y con Z simultaneo el avance disminuye a  1-5 pulgadas/minuto eso  es muy lento..

FAQs / Adjusting Feed Control
« on: February 21, 2010, 07:01:37 PM »
Good evening to every one;
How can I change the interpolation feed went I working on art surface
Ex: I working w 60 IPM but went programa moved simultanius z & y axis
feed go to 2-5 IPM that is too slow.
Give some idea please.

Spanish / only 500 lines reeding
« on: February 18, 2010, 10:57:22 AM »
Good mornining to every one!
Im Eugenio,an old man on the new way;
I made my own cnc router machine,my intension is made an art work on it,
(excuse mine bad english); but I have a problem,program reed only 500 lines:
The machine have 24 x 36 inch working area ;
           window xp-pck 3,pentium (R) 4 cpu 2.8 Ghz; 1.46 GB 0f  RAM.
Mach 3:

I made a some hole on the table area wiht G83 AN WORK good but,
can not made a large art work because machine dont reed the program
I have an experience on the cnc programs that was my job for a some years
so I know is no problem with that,if cheked of the plug & play in service configuration
I have full reeding but,have not control over the machine,went I checked on plug & play
I have no reeding (?!) ,I made all changes and optimized window as mach 3 suggest but,
nothing result.
I appreciate,if some body can help me,PLEASE.

note: my e-mail   mastermachining@yahoo.com

Thanks,to every one have good day,

Pages: 1