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Tangent Corner / Sell your "how to machine" Dvds YR 2000 & up..
« on: March 28, 2007, 02:40:48 AM »
  Hey Guys.,

  I have a Taig CNC Mill and soon hope to have a Taig CNC lath...    This is all new to me so I would like to get some info on good DVD's with general machine  information.  I know theres a  lot of information on the web but I'm more of a visual  person and would like to see mills in action from start to finish. 
   If you have old DVD's you no longer use or know of good ones to perches off the net please message me.

Hey Brian,

     I take it your the lead on Lazy cam...   I know that this is a Beta Forum topic but I see a lot of request about problems and so on but I don't see much thanks!  so as my 1st post I wanted to make a THANKS thread from me and anyone else who would like to add to this. 
so here I go....

  As a new Mach 3 & Taig DSLS Mill owner (SUPER NEWBIE)  I would like to say thanks so much for your program!!! I see that its in development and there are some bugs....  I've used it a lot and can see where your going with it.  The main reason for this post is to say thanks!!! and please keep up the good work...    Its free like Mach 3 but my point is you must be putting in MAJOR time into your program and I personally would love for you to continue this.   I would be happy to donate some money help keep you going as I would hate to see development stop.  I'm not a rich man but I think I should pay you something for all your work.   So if your accepting donations please send some info so I can send you some cash!!!   

 P.S   I try not to speak for other people but I'm sure you could replace all my I's with we..


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