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Topics - havery

Pages: 1
General Mach Discussion / Sp[eed Feed Variation
« on: March 18, 2010, 07:50:54 AM »
On a lathe I converted over to Mach 3, I have an issue with feed speed when called from a program.  I am using feed/rev as the feed method.  If I step through the program, the feed speed is fine.  If I run the program the feed speed is very slow.  I can stop the program, restart the spindle manually then hit cycle start and the feed is correct.  I have not physically cut a thread yet but during air cutting the feed speed for a program with threading in it seems fine.  Can anyone shed some light on this for me?


Modbus / Spindle Control Brain for Modbus
« on: March 11, 2010, 09:31:43 AM »
I am going to use Modbus Plug-in and an M13 expansion board (CNC4PC) to control the spindle speed of a VFD.  I have the control wires for the VFD connected to output 3 and GND of the Analog Out portion of the board.  Arturo mentioned the use of a brain to control this output.  I downloaded and installed Scott's ModSpinOutControl.brn.  Can someone help me understand the logic before I blindly start using it?  How would I state the address for the analog out?  In the brain file I put in 4007 and it says this value is not valid.  Should this value be 4 of configuration 3 instead?  A screenshot of my Modbus Configuration is shown below. 


General Mach Discussion / Axis Homing Problem
« on: March 02, 2010, 10:33:21 AM »
I have a lathe I am retrofitting and I have a homing issue on the Z axis.  I have searched the posts with no luck.  The X axis homes and zeros fine.  The Z axis hits the limit switch and gives a "Limit Switch Activated " instead of homing and zeroing at that position.  I think I have the same setup on the X and Z axis with one limit switch being both the limit and home switch.  From the pics below the switches are both being seen as both a limit and homing switch by the software.  They are both setup to auto zero on home switch activation.  Any ideas why the Z axis would not home?

They were both working using version 3.042.029.  I recently installed 3.042.038 but I would guess it is something I have set wrong rather then a rev issue.  Xml is also attached.

Thanks for any help


General Mach Discussion / Gecko G540 VFD Output Help
« on: October 29, 2009, 02:15:41 PM »
I have a G540 unit and cannot get the voltage between the VFD Signal and the VFD Ground to change when I issue a M03 S## command.  I have searched the posts and cannot find the information I need.  Does anyone have a testing procedure for checking the parallel port and the G540 unit?

I have connected the + lead of a variable DC power supply to Pin 9 and the – lead to pin 7 of the G540 unit.  I apply a 10 volt signal and measure the voltage using a digital volt meter between pin 8 and pin 7.  The voltage continuously varies between ~.2 and .45 VDC before I send the M03 command.  Once the M03S15000 command from Mach 3 is sent, I see absolutely no change between pin 7 and 8.  The voltage continues to fluctuate between .2 and .45 volts.   Output 1 does change state and I can control a relay with this signal.

All other features of the G540 work fine; limit switches, outputs, motor drives, e-stop, ect…  I purchased the G540 as part of a “Boxed Kit” solution.  From the other posts I have read, I think this is a newer version as it has the external charge pump switch.

I will be controlling an AC router through a C-19 unit from CNC4PC.  The router speeds are from 10,000 to 21,000rpm.  The C-19 unit is functioning fine as I can apply a varying voltage of 0 and 9.2 VDC between the signal and ground connections on the C-19 and the router speed changes from min to max.

I think I might have a bad G540 unit but would like a testing procedure before I send it in for evaluation.


I have the following settings:

When I run the following code and get to the DeActivateSignal(Output2) the Reset Button lights and the message says a limit switch has activated.  I am no where near a limit switch and no movement is occurring anyway.  My machine homes fine and the limit switches do stop an overtravel movement.  Even though this is a new setup, I have been able to cut parts without issue.  This is the 1st time I am trying to use the Activate Deactivate commands.

DeActivateSignal(Output2) 'When it gets to this point the reset activates.
While IsMoving()
Sleep 100

I am using the VB editor and both running and stepping through the code.  Same result.   Any ideas why this would be happening and more importantly how to fix it.


Pages: 1