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Topics - planebuilder

Pages: 1
General Mach Discussion / Z moves up down up after tool change?
« on: April 10, 2018, 01:56:23 PM »
After I do a Txx M6 tool change (manual)  on my router, the Z axis moves up down and up before continuing with the code. The up down up moves are not in the G code program. This has not been a problem, just a curious move, until....
Now I am cutting a tall part, so that the top of the work is close to the upper Z limit. Top of work is Z0, Z limit (E stop) is .3" above the work, ie: Z.300,  I edited the code so there is no Z move higher than Z.200, and all cutting is done Z-*********.
After a tool change the Z goes up and triggers the E stop. I assume there is a code or macro in the background that causes Mach to do this, but I can't find it. Does anyone know how I can disable these moves?

Pages: 1