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Topics - Saturn06

Pages: 1
dspMC/IP Motion Controller / Bridgeport 300 retrofit using DSPMC
« on: November 22, 2010, 10:07:32 PM »
I am working on a Bridgeport Discovery 300 I had the spindle drive go out and could not get a replacement that would work with the old control. I installed a new spindle drive a control techniques SP1406 spindle drive. I had replaced two of the servo drives in the past and replaces the third during the retrofit with Servo Dynamics 1525 BR analog servo drives. I have done most of the rewiring and now are working the setup I am having problems with the servo drives if I power the servo drives with the the DSPMC controller turn off the motors do not move but with the controller turned on the motors turn about 20 rpm for about 2 sec. then the DSPMC e-stops and errors out need help.

Pages: 1