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Topics - gorf23

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Mach4 General Discussion / m6 on newest version 5325 not working
« on: April 05, 2024, 01:49:22 PM »
I'm testing the new mach4 version 5325

I can get all mdi commands to run g31 g0 and all.

But a M6 T# doesn't seem to execute, i even created a M6 with only a messageBox() in it and that did not seem to run.
It also will not execute the M6 in a G code file when i try to run it, the g code will not run past the M6 line and the tool change led never lights up..
I notice the log file seems to be outputting a bunch of values in the that i have no meaning for maybe for mach4 testing values, but getting no errors  that i know of
I have ran the code in the lua script editor and it ran form there. also deleted the mcc files and let them be recompiled.

Any suggestion

Mach4 General Discussion / error cb ran nul
« on: April 03, 2024, 09:51:42 AM »
Updated to the newest version of mach4 and i get the error when i press cycle start -- cb ran nul -- does it in mdi and gcode is there a setting i am missing now or is there some other cause?. and nothing runs

I was working on a macro for a wxlua dialog i ran the macro and the dialog box and buttons appaired on screen and seemed to work ok.

But wouldn't close on exit, now every time i boot mach4 the dialog box loads and displays on screen but my screen is a blank page no mach4 screen set displayed..
and i still can't close the dialog box and when i exit mach4 it crashes..

any suggestion's other than starting over, i can't get back into screen edit to copy any of my newer scripts, i would like not to have to rewrite them..

Thanks gary 

Mach 3 Is there a way to change the image of a image button when the button is pressed?


Checking to see if a dialog box or messagebox called from a gcode macro..
will allow - while the dialog is on the screen and before any buttons are pressed, allow the use of mach4's jogging buttons to function.
Or just not possible?


I am read A DRO valve and want to store it in a register i read it alright, but if i try to format it so i loose the values after the decimal point
if i don't convert it to a number i get the error can't use string number expected, so i convert it to a number i get the, error nul value. it is always when i am trying to write the value to the register..

any suggestions?

Code: [Select]
local inst = mc.mcGetInstance()
local val = scr.GetProperty("Tool1DRO", "Value")
--wx.wxMessageBox("Val = "..val)
--val = tonumber(val)
--x = string.format("%.1f"..tonumber(val))
mc.mcCntlSetLastError(inst, "val = "..val)
local Pos1reg = mc.mcRegGetHandle(inst,"gRegs0/ToolInPos1")
rc = mc.mcRegSetValueString(Pos1reg,string.format("%.0f",3))
rc = mc.mcRegSetValueString(Pos1reg,string.format(val))

Mach4 General Discussion / Screen Buttons and images ?
« on: September 04, 2021, 02:27:57 PM »
I imported a image in the mach4 screen editor, that's good but if i want to place a button on the image it always defaults to the back of image is there anyway to bring the button image to the front? and there is no clear transparent image button either correct?, mach3 i think had them..


Mach4 General Discussion / New Version Of Mach4 DRO problems
« on: March 12, 2021, 10:59:57 AM »
I installed the newest version of mach4 and now my user created Dro's don't seem to update to the new entered value.

If the dro has a value of 1.0 and i want to change to 0.5 i enter the new value but it always reverts back to the old value..
also seems to be doing it in the probe setting's dro's.

Any suggestion or has something changed i may need to fix in the latest version of mach4

Thanks gary

I am running Mach4 with G83 Pecking and around 20 holes..
I started with a spot drill around .05 depth..
Looked great till about the 17th hole and then it was drilling down to around .125  and retract was just clearing the top of part.

would that be caused by acceleration or velocity mine seems to be set low acc = 8.0 and v = 60..

Or any other suggestion?..

Thanks gary

Mach4 General Discussion / Lua Script and reading register's Help
« on: January 06, 2021, 12:04:47 PM »
Not sure if this is allowed in a lua script, but if i run this code i always get a NUL value returned for hreg value
If i run the code with no if statement it runs fine.. i have placed both reggethandles with no if statement and worked fine.
So question is why is the if statement messing up the value retuned for the hreg value inside the if ?

Code: [Select]
local inst = mc.mcGetInstance()
local PoKeysreg = mc.mcRegGetHandle(inst,"PoKeys_40548/DeviceConnected") -- The Pokeys Probe register value's
local PoKeys = mc.mcRegGetValue(PoKeysreg)
if ( PoKeys == 1 ) then
local hreg = mc.mcRegGetHandle(inst,"PoKeys_40548/ProbeStatus") -- The Pokeys Probe register value's
        mc.mcCntlSetLastError(inst, "Connected to Pokeys") 

Thanks gary

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