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Topics - az7733

Pages: 1

 I have a Bostomatic 312 Milling Center I Converted to Mach and Rutex. Pretty stout machine.  I'm having a problem calculating the proper speed feed and depth of cut.  I've been staring at formula after formula but I think I am missing something along the way.  Here's my question:

I want to pocket mill some 304 stainless .1875 thick with a 3 flute .375 carbide end mill, coolant on.

Textbook calculations look like this:
(numbers are tool manufacturer recommendation)

RPM: 150 x 3.82 / .375 =1528 (SFM x 3.82 / tool diameter)
Feed: 1528 x .001 x 3 = 4.584 (RPM x chip load per tooth x number of flutes)

My question:
 Is the .001 x 3 or .003 chip load the same as the depth of cut per pass? 

This seems to light of a cut and to slow of a speed to me.


Hello I would like someone to check this out for me if you don't mind?

Running Mach(tried lockdown and newest), Using Newfangled (tried lockdown and newest) cut circle groove.
After entering parameters I select preview and all looks ok.
Select Post Code then verify tool path and the tool path changes?
Here's the code produced and I noted corrections to make it work with out lead-ins.
it seems like it sets up for the cut then does a tool comp for inner cut half way around then goes back to outer cut?

Have a look and let me know what you see.

(Code by Newfangled Wizard, 5/25/2008)
(Program Posted for Aluminum )
G0 G49 G40.1 G17
G80 G50 G90 G98 
G20 (Inch)
(***** Circular Groove/Cutout *****)
M6 T2
M03 S3500
M8 (Flood On)
G00G43 H2 Z0.1
G00 X3.9799 Y-0.1437
G42 P0.125
G01 X3.8362 F17.5
G02 X3.6925 Y0 R0.1437  (change to G01 and remove R0.1473  )
G01 Z-0.03 F8.75
G03 X-3.6925 Y0 R3.6925
X3.6925 Y0 R3.6925
G00 Z0.1
G02 X3.8362 Y0.1437 R0.1437
G00 X3.9799 Y-0.1437
G42 P0.125
G01 X3.8362 F17.5
G02 X3.6925 Y0 R0.1437   (change to G01 and remove R0.1473  )
G01 Z-0.06 F8.75
G03 X-3.6925 Y0 R3.6925
X3.6925 Y0 R3.6925
G00 Z0.1
G02 X3.8362 Y0.1437 R0.1437
G00 X3.9799 Y-0.1437
G42 P0.125
G01 X3.8362 F17.5
G02 X3.6925 Y0 R0.1437  (change to G01 and remove R0.1473  )
G01 Z-0.09 F8.75
G03 X-3.6925 Y0 R3.6925
X3.6925 Y0 R3.6925
G00 Z0.1
G02 X3.8362 Y0.1437 R0.1437
M5 M9

General Mach Discussion / Update R3.037 Lathe wizard problem
« on: March 05, 2008, 11:03:54 AM »
I loaded R3.037 and now the wizards won't load?  Any suggestions?  I re-loaded the lock down version  R2.63 and everything works fine.

Thanks in advance...

General Mach Discussion / Problem with 2.56
« on: October 31, 2007, 01:47:44 AM »
Is anyone else having problems with I&J's on 2.56?  I reverted install back to 2.02 and all works fine?  The problem is it will not display tool path.  It will not even display the toolpath for a part I have been milling for some time?  Weird... something about arc beginning and end.  Great package though... (Mach 3, NF, LC).

I will keep an eye out for the next update...


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