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Topics - bbristow

Pages: 1
General Mach Discussion / Z Axis Drifting or Loosing Steps?
« on: July 08, 2010, 04:16:05 AM »
Please HELP!  I am pulling my hair out…
I have been having this problem now for a while, but have been able to avoid it until now.  It seems that my Z-Axis is drifting or loosing steps.  What makes it more difficult to figure out is that it seems to be a math error of some kind as the results I can duplicate accurately. 

I am thinking this is a Mach 3 issue since I can duplicate the results.

Here is an example….  I am cutting a 3d part, I can let it cut the file out and when it is finished, it thinks the z axis is at 0.0, when it is actually at 0.25.  I can cut the part again after re-zeroing it and I end up at pretty much the same offset.  I am doing parallel finishing; I can see the bit is gradually and smoothly cutting lower and lower.  There is no big jump; it just seems to smoothly drift.
I can also zero the machine and toggle the head up and down about 15-20 times and will check zero and it will be off again.  I can do this at any speed setting and I let it completely stop before changing direction and I still produce the same results. 
This is what I have tried so far with no change….
Tried changing frequencies to 3 or 4 different settings.
Tried the shirline ½ step mode.
Tried setting the pulses under motor tuning to 5, then to 15, then to 20.
Tried changing the number of pulses per inch from 3200 (Setting I was running at) to 2000, to 1600, to 1000 and I still see the same results.

I am running the Joes 4x4 hybrid machine.  You can see it here

I am Running Mach 3 with the Hobby CNC Pro kit with the 305/oz motors.  I have the jumpers set to quarter step.
I am not sure what else to do here?


General Mach Discussion / Jerky Motion?
« on: September 19, 2008, 02:41:17 AM »
I have had my mill up and running for about 6 months now and would like to resolve a problem that has bugged me finally to a point where I want to take care of it.  The mill seems to run jerky most of the time.  I think it is something that Mach is doing because it is smooth consistently on some parts, but jerky on others. 
I have included a link to a video of my machine running.  In the beginning of the video you will notice how jerky it is, and at the end of the video it is running pretty smooth.  What I have observed is that when cutting the inside corners, it is jerky, and when cutting outside corners it is smooth.  That does not make much sense to me as to why it is doing that.   I have also observed it is very jerky when cutting circles out.  The object that it is cutting in the videos had some circles that it cut out.  It was very jerky until about the 5th step over and it went smooth, and then on the 6th step over it was jerky again, but it acted this way on all 6 of the holes it made.  It seems like maybe I am missing something simple here?
I have checked and my CV mode is turned on.

On another note, when I am running in a parallel finishing mode, it runs real smooth and the Z axis seems to move up and down around humps perfectly smooth at speeds of 180ipm.

Video – High Res

Video – Low Res

Video – Lowest Res

Cut File

Here is a little about my machine…
It is a home built off of “Joes CNC 4x4”  I have done some mods, so it looks a little different, but still runs the same. 
300oz Hobby CNC Motors and Control Board running off of dedicated P4 2.4Ghz machine. 
Mach 3 Version 2.63
RhinoCam to generate Mach 3 Gcode

Pages: 1