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Topics - rogerbsstt

Pages: 1
General Mach Discussion / Downloading the Mach3 Tutorial videos.
« on: February 16, 2009, 09:30:28 PM »
Hi all,

Just wondering if someone can assist me, I have been trying to download the Mach3 Tutorial videos, but cant get them to work.

I would like to be able to use them as a reference while Im actually using the machine, but it is not connected to the internet.

Is there a way I can download them and watch them in something like Windows Media Player. The files I have downloaded dont have sound after I convert them.

Any help would be appreciated.

Thanks to those who helped with my MPG project. It now works fine.


General Mach Discussion / Connecting an MPG to Mach3
« on: December 21, 2008, 05:18:25 PM »
I have recently obtained an MPG that I have been trying to connect to my Mach3 / mill. The unit is a HEDS-5700 C10 optical encoder. with 100CPR and 5v input.I have wired the unit up as per the tech data for the unit, and have tested the wiring to show that A & B outputs indicate 5v pulses when the wheel is turned.
I have connected the input wiring 5V and grd to the power connections on my CNC4PC  C10 breakout board (as per their wiring diagram), and have connected the output A & B wires to pin nos 13 and 15 on the board. In Mach 3 I have enabled MPG#1, selected port no 1, pin no 13, then port #1, pin no 15, I have left the steps set at 2 (as indicated for 100CPR in the Mach3 manual), and the velocity to 100.  I have used the Tab key to bring up the jog/mpg screen, set jog to MPG,
 selected Step/velocity for jog type, and axis 1 to X.  When I turn the wheel I get no response. When I go to the diag screen and move the wheel no leds light up in the pin status. When I checked the voltage on the pins 13 & 15 while they where disconnected from the breakout board I got 4.86 volt signals from the A & B wires, but when they were connected to the breakout board the max signal was .8 volts. After stumbling across the calibration screen for MPGs in Mach3, when I run through the process, all the settings came back 0. I assume it is because Mach3 is not getting a reading from the MPG, but as I can get a 5v signal out of the unit, I cant see what is wrong, and as I'm not exactly an electrical genius, cant figure out what I have missed. Please can you offer some help as I really want to use this unit on my mill.  THANKS for any assistance.  

A SAFE and happy holiday to all.

Hello to you all, bin a while,

but has anyone a postprocessor for an FP4 Deckel CNC Mill, I believe it runs the Fanuc system. I need it to work in Mach3, LazyCam or VisualMill 5.
Or does someone know which Fanuc Postprocessor would do the job.

Hope you can help me



General Mach Discussion / Stepper motor Encoders
« on: June 07, 2008, 12:04:21 AM »
Does anyone know where I can get some rotary encoders to fit on the back of my stepper motors. If I fit them to the steppers, will that stop the motors missing positions, or are the DROs (including the encoders) just for reference and have no control over the actual motor movement.  What Im trying to do is have the motors move until they reach an actual table movement point, (as indicated by glass scales or the encoders) so that they if they miss any steps they will still complete the distance as in the program.
Have used Mach3 for 12 mths now and it works my machine great. NB: Hood, I am using my counter weighted knee system and have had no problems if I limit the rapid speed to 30" per min.(not fast, but good enough for my use)


General Mach Discussion / Parrallel Port configaration
« on: December 17, 2006, 01:11:19 AM »

I have just set up mach3 to my machine but the axis's only travel in one direction no matter what i tell them to do.I checked the system with another user and it ran his machine perfect, He told me he had to install a second Parrallel port card to get his to work.
I have seen that in the bios the parrallel port can be set up as an ECP, EPP< etc.
Is this the problem, does the Mach3 need one of these to run properly.???
Secondly, I down loaded the latest Mach3 version 2, and could not get the dros to show a movement when i programed a MDI.
Is there something I ve missed, or is this a bug. 

Please Help


General Mach Discussion / Bridgeport extrak retrofit
« on: November 22, 2006, 08:37:31 PM »
Hi, I have just purchased Mach 3, and am in the middle of retrofitting a bridgeport eztrak mill. I am fitting a stepper motor to the knee as the Z axis. The quill (old Z axis) has a glass scale on it and I want to use this as a manual setting point for machining and drilling. I have read the Mach 3 manual, but it doesnt give enough details as to connecting the scale, and using a 4th DRO (A, B, C) as a readout only. Can someone assist. Many ThanksĀ  rogerbsstt.

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