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Topics - vortxx

Pages: 1
General Mach Discussion / Missing Steps - Mach3 - Taig Mill
« on: September 10, 2006, 09:54:29 PM »
Hello everyone, I have been reading this message board for awhile and using the info to troubleshoot and tweak my setup. I am up and running with all 4 axis; the problem is, I am still missing steps now and then and I can't figure out why. I am wondering if my processor speed is to blame?

My port is testing at 4.98 volts on all the pins I am using. (or zero volts when inactive).

I have my accel and velocity set at what I believe to be a very modest rate.. I have also set my step and dir pulse to 5 (see attached screen shot).

Something strange I should mention.. The step and dir pulse settings seem to reduce by 1 each time I open and then close the motor tuning dialog.

Should I try using Mach2 instead of Mach3?

any suggestions would be much appreciated!

Pages: 1