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Topics - K3HTK

Pages: 1
LazyCam (Beta) / Adding another Layer or Entity from file?
« on: August 18, 2008, 07:59:30 PM »
Okay here goes.... I have two DXF files I want to merge into one LCAM project. I think I would add it as a new layer but I cannot seem to figure out how to add another layer.

I appreciate ay help one could provide..... :)



LazyCam (Beta) / Help with importing JPG files.....
« on: August 15, 2008, 12:26:31 PM »
I am having a heck of a time getting jpg files to import into LazyCam and I am sure it is me being new to all this so sorry if this is redundant. I checked the posts everywhere and could not find examples or what I need to get this to work. I am sure once I get a little guidance on this I will be rock and rolling on it. I watched the tutorial video and have a basic understanding of things but it didn't help me with importing image files.

Basically could someone please help walk me through the process of importing an image? I tried it on my own but I keep seeing nothing in the preview window.

Here is what I am doing:

Starting with nothing open, I click the "Image File" icon, and select the file I am wanting to work on. The image processing window pops up and my image is in there. Then I have the options of choosing V-Drill, Raster XY, Raster YX, Spiral, and Image Trace/Raster->Vector.

I have selected nothing and see nothing on the screen. When I select Raster XY or any of the other besides Trace/Raster, I see the XY grid on the screen but no image of what I am working with.

Again sorry if this is a total newbie questions but I am lost on this.... I appreciate any help. I was using BMP2CNC which is easy but I need to do contour cutting and BMP2CNC just simply doesn't seem to be able to do that.



FAQs / Help with Line Art for MACH3
« on: August 14, 2008, 01:27:14 PM »
I am trying to create a line art design to be cut with MACH3 similar to the Roadrunner code someone posted on the exmaples area of the forum. I just want the machine to follow the pattern to cut and not go back and forth the whole peice of material. I think that is called spiral cutting but not sure.... Anyway, I am looking for some guidance on doing this so I can mill a design at one depth. I am pretty new to this, but have done other milling using the back and forth X Y method over the whole peice of material.

If I need to be more clear on my question, I will try to as much as I can... :)



I bought the licensed version of Mach3 and according to the manual I can perform a direct import of a BMP or JPG and of course DXF etc.... But in the manual, it stated the "Import File" option is under the File menu... I only have Load G-Code, Lazy Cam (which I do have as well), Close Files, and Exit.... Under File in my program. Am I mis-understanding something? I tried to import an image in Lazy Cam but I was under the impression I could just import into Mach3. Any help is appreciated! :)



Pages: 1