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Topics - reg2117

Pages: 1
G-Code, CAD, and CAM discussions / Polar Mode in Mach3 Mill
« on: February 13, 2008, 12:52:37 PM »
   Can someone please offer advice on using the polar mode commands G15, and G16? The manual (Rev 1.84-A2) states that G16 is used to enter polar mode and G15 is used to return to Cartesian coordinates. This is exactly opposite to the list in the Mach 3 program (the colorful list that gets brought up when the "g-code" button is pressed).

I tested the code in the manual (supplied below), using G16 G15 to start stop polar mode respectively, and G15 G16 to start stop respectively. I have selected the XY plane (G17) and am trying simply to get any polar move but seem to get only cartesian movement. A sample code known to work would be very helpful in working this bug.
Thanks in advance, 

From manual
G0 X10Y5.5
G1 X50 Y0
G83 Z-0.6
G1 Y20
G1 Y30
G1 Y40
> ...etc...

Pages: 1