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Topics - Zaae

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General Mach Discussion / Stepper motor setup questions
« on: April 24, 2008, 03:42:00 PM »
Hello again :)

I'm working with a set of KL23H276-30-8B steppers from Keling technology.

The machine moves pretty quickly on rapids and on geometry codes, but when it's run on small, detailed work, it slows to a crawl. I've never operated any other machines, but from what I've read, the last project I ran should take around 15 mins on this machine, but it took over 30. I'm cutting very shallow, so faster isn't a problem.

Presuming I already have the steps/mm set correctly, aside from velocity and acceleration, what other settings should I tweak? I am using CV mode @ 180units. 45* override and CV feedrate @ +1.0000.

I realize there are physical limitations on the motors and such, but if I have simple geometry, say a circle, the machine flies. If I'm working a cut where the toolpath is made up of a bunch of connected points, it's slow city again.

One last example: If I cut a true circle that mach 3 runs a geometry command, that goes fast. If I draw an oval the same size and mach 3 reads it as a bunch of locations to move to, it's slow.

Hope I'm making sense, I'm kind of new to this software.

Is there a way to overcome this?


This is the third time today I came here to post a question, and as I typed I realized what was going on and was able to figure out the problem on my own, but since I'm here I have a few things I'd like to say.

This post is by no means a 'bash' to the creators, in fact rather than just coming here to gripe, I hope I can give some possible solutions to the few things I've noticed. Overall the code in this software is great. I understand that it's a work in progress, yet I've been surprised several times at how well it handles difficult cuts.

If I might make a couple suggestions for future versions that may have saved me some time and confusion:

--- Slightly irritating things ---

1 - Mouse scroll wheel doesn't do anything. It's a bit cumbersome to get used to since so many programs use it to zoom. It's tough to remember this doesn't. Coming from CAD software or whatever back to LC and suddenly all the controls are different.

2 - Holding shift doesn't multi select like you'd expect with most windows programs. I understand that shift is used in navigation instead.

** I'm sure these problems are minor compared to other projects, but please consider giving us a 'key binding' menu or something similar. I like to be able to set program controls to my personal preferences.

3 - The delete key sometimes doesn't work. Many times I have to deselect and reselect a chain to get it to work, or alternatively mouse over to 'rem objects'

4 - If I've been working on a job, then load a new one and press "ooops", the last oops file from the previous job is opened instead of the new one. It looks like the oops file should be saved again right after a new project is opened.

--- Things that would be nice ---

1 - When I first bring a drawing into LC, it would be great if the original drawing lines could be set to be a different color. The reason for this is when I have a complex drawing with lots of islands being pocketed, it's easy to lose track of which lines need to be deleted. I almost never have any of the original drawing lines left when I'm done in LC since I draw the job to scale, and need to cut around the geometry, not on it.

2 - When you use the "Set Depth" button from the right panel, your mouse becomes attached to the 3d model to show the depth. This is great, it's nice to be able to do it this way, but there's no accuracy to it. Holding ALT / SHIFT / CTRL or some combination should slow the movement for more precise control.

3 - It would be great if when you selected several layers or chains in the 3d window, the OPS window nodes would somehow show that they are selected. This would really help when it comes time to clean up your rapids and make sure the cuts are going in the right order. I've personally dealt with those node trees before, and understand this isn't an easy task. Maybe use the existing check marks for this, or change their background color?

4 - Too many mouse movements to get things done. This is minor, but time is money  :) -- The right click mouse menu could have more options, for example:

Tools  (click this and get a sub menu of available tools)
Operations (click this and get a sub menu of operations such as pockets, offsets, etc.)
Delete Selected Items
Join Two Selected Primatives

At the very least, some hotkeys would be great.

--- Things I don't understand ---

I gather that the green portions of a chain are where there is actual geometry for that part of the cut, correct? The blue line then just follows the coordinate system for lack of real geometry, yes?

I've noticed that when I make a pocket, sometimes there are little bits of green (actual arc?) but for the most part the cutting path is blue. Since the green portions seem to cut smoother and faster on my machine, I'd like to know if there's a way to transform more of the cutting path into geometry?

Anyway, that's about all I can think of off the top of my head. Thanks for the cool software!

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