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Topics - Scott

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General Mach Discussion / Start up modals init string
« on: November 21, 2006, 04:14:10 PM »
I'm not sure, but it seems that the init string under Startup Modals doesn't work the same in the latest version as it did previously.  It doesn't seem to get applied on startup and it applies upon reset with or without having the "Use on all resets" box checked.


VB and the development of wizards / Need help with new macro or wizard
« on: November 15, 2006, 01:27:15 PM »
I'm new to Mach and VB and having come from a situation that used plain basic, I have need for a macro or a wizard to replace one that I used with my old controller.

Basically what I need to do is this.  I make a lot of plaques in varying sizes that need to have hangslots cut with a keyhole bit for hanging the plaque on a wall.  Some of these plaques need to have a vertical and horizontal slot, some need only one slot, and some may need two vertical slots.  Most are centered one inch in from the edge and two inches long and some are one inch in from each edge and one inch or less long.  I would input the various information and how many need to be cut.  The tool needs to park clear of the fixture and wait until I get the next plaque locked in, then with the push of a momentary button on the gantry, it would do the next one and so on until the count is met.  At that time the tool will again go to the clear position and turn off the router.

A macro that can ask for all the info and then execute would be fine, but I'm not experienced enough to know the proper syntax for everything that would be needed.

A wizard may be nice, but that's beyond my limits at the moment  ;)  Any help would be appreciated!     

General Mach Discussion / Referencing and Home Offset
« on: November 13, 2006, 12:05:48 PM »
Is it possible to have Mach automatically move the X, Y, and Z to the actual X and Y location of my table after it's done referencing without adding some extra code to the "Ref All Home" button?  I have the offsets set in the "Homing and Limits" screen, but that just changes the DRO's.

Scott (Another new guy on the Mach ;-)

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