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Messages - M3ocd

Pages: 1
General Mach Discussion / Re: PC hardware for mach
« on: January 25, 2008, 04:45:45 PM »
Speaking from experience with a P800, no it will not work reliably.  I have been trying to tweak my P800 to run it for a month now and it just won't do so reliably.  It is so close but just not there.  The motors run at 6000 steps per inch and 40 inches a minute but one axis, usualy the X axis misses steps every few seconds.  Most of the time it will keep moving, but other times it would stall. Luckily, when it stalled, the router was always moving away from the part I was cutting so I was able to go back and pick up where I left off.

Hope this helps,


Pages: 1