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Messages - Roadkill_321

Pages: 1
FAQs / Re: Intermittent error with Mach3
« on: January 07, 2010, 01:34:13 PM »
I have since figured out that the error occurs not when the program sends an M3, but when it sends a G20.  

Mach then says "Error in Line 2 - Unspecified failure", Line 2 being where the G20 is.  

It is very annoying  >:( and I would like to resolve this if I can.  Any suggestions?

Thanks John

FAQs / Intermittent error with Mach3
« on: December 24, 2009, 02:07:37 AM »
Hi, I have been having intermittent errors when I run GCode files.  Right at the start where Mach is given an M3 command, I sometimes get a popup that says Error in Line (Line number) - Unspecified Failure and the program stops.  If I then hit cycle start again the program continues, but does not start the spindle. It doesn't do it all the time, but when it does it I have to restart Mach3, then the problem usually goes away.  Has anyone else had this problem?

I am using version R2.61 of Mach3.


Hi. My name is John and I work in the agriculture industry.  I live in Saskatchewan, Canada and have recently built a 48" x 96" MechMate which I use for making signage in my spare time.  I am using Mach3 as the controlling software and I like it very much.  Thanks.


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