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Messages - robotix

Pages: 1
General Mach Discussion / Re: SheetCAM Gcode will not run in Mach3
« on: January 31, 2008, 10:15:14 PM »
Sorry for being vague. I don't know why, but when I reloaded it today, it ran fine. Operator error, I would say. Thanks for the help. What I noticed when I was having the problem is that the code would load into the code window, but the graphic would not appear and when I started the cycle, I got no response from the machine, even though it was moving through the code.

General Mach Discussion / SheetCAM Gcode will not run in Mach3
« on: January 30, 2008, 03:21:48 PM »
Hi Guys,

I recently started using SheetCAM, and I have generated some G code using it. However, for reasons that I can't seem to figure out, it will not run on my machine under Mach3 Mill, while G code generated with Lazy Cam runs just fine. I selected the Mach2 post processer in SheetCAM because there is no available option for Mach3. I suppose that the problem lies in the post processor, but I am not familiar enough with G Code to see what it is. I have attached one of each of the files. the inner plate file was made by Lazy Cam and it works; the anti-rotation collar was made with SheetCAM and it does not work. I would really appreciate it if any experts out there could tell me what it wrong.


I am just learning this system so bear with me. My Mach3 mill v2.58 does not pause,  home or otherwise notice that there is an M6 in the code. I read the manual and it says to make sure that tool change is enabled in config>logic. Problem is, there is no config>logic on my pull down. Can some explain to me what I am doing wrong and what I need to do to get the machine to pause for a tool change, and then return and continue. Also, any guidance on how to insure the Z axis is calibrated after a tool change would be appreciated.



My name is Jim. I am a robot enthusiast, so mechanics and electronics are my hobbies. I own a Shopmaster Tri-Power CNC lathe/mill. I am fairly new to CNC, but as I am an engineer in real life, I am familiar with the concepts. At the time of the posting, I am fine tuning Mach3Mill and Mach3Turn on my machine. I intend to use the machine to make parts for robots. I am very impressed with the quality of the Mach3 software. I write software in C, so I understand what a challenge it is.

Pages: 1