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Messages - Bit79

Pages: 1
General Mach Discussion / Re: Spikes on Waveform (Drivertest
« on: May 27, 2013, 09:03:29 AM »
I post in this topic because I have the same problem with a desktop PC. I istalled only winXP and mach3, but i have a lot of jitter in clock generation. Drivertest give me a result similar the result postet in the first post of Rasgueado. With 25KHz clock i have a shortest time of 36us, and longest time of 49 us. Testing mach3 with motors i have a very bad running.
Jitter in driverpulse result are not random, but they appear very regular.

PC sould be good for mach3 specific. It's a pentium dual 1600 MHz, with 1 GB of ram...

For comparison i run drivertest in other 2 desktop PC and in one laptop PC where i have mach3, and i have a very good result (only the laptop have very little jitter).
I try al the optimization suggest, but without improvement.

What can i do?

General Mach Discussion / Re: Coordinates reading from RS232
« on: February 01, 2012, 03:31:02 AM »
I tried to put the script in a macro, but I have the same problem.... without receive it shows "receive error" message correctly, but if I send CR, the script crashes...

General Mach Discussion / Re: Coordinates reading from RS232
« on: January 26, 2012, 03:26:07 PM »
Now I have another problem.
I test VB script in VB editor of mach3 and it works correctly, but when i put in a pushbutton of a screen it doesn't work. I tryed a lot of different codes. Under VB editor they work, under pushbutton it fails when they receive CR caracter.

This is an example of simple code:

If data = "None" Then
message "receive error"
message "receive ok"
End If

Under VB editor, if before launch program i send a CR caracter into serial port it shows "receive ok" message, else it show "receive error". This is ok.
But under pushbutton, without receive it shows "receive error" message, but i send the CR caracter to serial port the script fails, and it doesn't show any message. Where is the problem?

Thank you!

General Mach Discussion / Re: Coordinates reading from RS232
« on: January 26, 2012, 02:16:20 PM »
I solved the problem. I see it need CR caracter at the end of the receive string. Luckily the external DRO i will use include this caracter in the trasmission.

Thank you!

General Mach Discussion / Re: Coordinates reading from RS232
« on: January 19, 2012, 09:05:33 AM »
Where can I find explanation for the instruction getfifoentry? I read all downloadable documentation, but I can't find it...

Thank you!

General Mach Discussion / Coordinates reading from RS232
« on: January 16, 2012, 11:20:13 AM »

I have a cnc under mach3, equipped with optical lines and external DRO. The external DRO has RS232 port and it can send continuously the value of the 3 axis. I'd like to receive this values in mach3, when i push a button, so i can update mach3 DRO with value of external DRO.

For test I try to send data from mach3 to another PC with hyperterminal, and it work correctly using 'call sendsendserial'. I set RS232 proprieties in Config/Logic windows in mach3.

For receiving data i try to use this VB script:

data = "none"
q = 0
while data = "none"
  if q=10 then
    message "receive error"
    exit sub
  end if
  while gettimer(1)<0.5
  message data

It must wait about 5 second testing the serial port, then if it doesn't receive data, show error message. I try to send some data to mach3 after script start, but it can't receive anything and after 5 second it show the error message. I think there are some bug in my script but i can't find them... could you help me?
Thank you!

VB and the development of wizards / Re: VB and spindle
« on: December 13, 2007, 04:41:30 AM »
Thank you very much.
I tried and it work good.

I also tried with:

If GetOEMLED(11) then....

and It work likewise. What's the difference between GetOEMLED(11) and GetOEMLED(116)?

VB and the development of wizards / VB and spindle
« on: December 12, 2007, 07:27:06 AM »
I'm trying to realize some macros to manage better my cnc, but I find some difficult.
In particular in a VB macro I need to detect if the spindle is on or off, and execute the macro only if the spindle in off, or ignore it if the spindle is on, but I don't know which parameter I have to test. How can I do it?

Thank you!

Pages: 1