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Messages - CraftsmanMike

Pages: 1
Mach4 General Discussion / Re: Video Panel (for Webcam) in wizard
« on: February 27, 2024, 08:34:04 PM »
You can custom Panel with wxMediaCtrl following these steps:
Create a custom panel class that inherits from `wxPanel`.
Inside the panel, embed a `wxMediaCtrl` object. This control can display video from various sources, including webcams.
Implement event handling for the `wxMediaCtrl` to start/stop video capture, adjust settings, etc.
Add this custom panel to your Wizard page instead of a standard Video Panel.

Hi Natalie, thanks for replying.  The wxMediaCtrl is the control I was referring to when I mention "wxWidgets has a control that can play a video file, but I can't figure out a way to display the video from a camera."  That control has six properties: "name", "file", "play", "playback_rate", "volume", and "player_controls".  Do you know how to set it up to play the video from a webcam?

Mach4 General Discussion / Video Panel (for Webcam) in wizard
« on: February 14, 2024, 09:18:30 PM »
Does anyone know if a Video Panel (used to show video from a webcam, available in the screen editor) is available for Wizards?  If yes, do you know the class, properties and events?  Maybe a link to a document somewhere  :).  wxWidgets has a control that can play a video file, but I can't figure out a way to display the video from a camera.

I've added a tab to my wx6.set screen that uses a webcam to help calibrate motor steps, but I would really like to make a Wizard for it.

For extra credit...  If there is a way to do the Video Panel, is there a way to add a DRO field to a wizard screen?

Post Processors / Re: Fusion 360 / Autodesk Post Processors.
« on: January 17, 2024, 09:32:18 PM »
I have edited the mach4laser.cps file to automatically enable, fire, and set the power of the laser.  All of my changes to the file have comments.
You set the power of the laser (and feedrates) in the Cutting Data section of a Laser cutter tool.  Create a tool for your laser and add Cutting Data for each material and thickness.  The post processor uses the Cut power field (as a percent) to set the power of the laser.  So, 100 is full power.
The processor sets the laser frequency to 5000 since that is what my laser needed.  If you need a different frequency, search for "LASER_VECTOR_FREQUENCY=" and change the value as needed.
I would eventually like it to automatically set the laser head height above the stock based on the tool Cut Height setting, but I was able to get my projects complete by manually setting the Z height.
I would also like be able to manually change the power in the 2D Profile operation, the way you can change the feedrate.  But I haven't figured out how to do that yet.
It also does not do anything to turn on or off air assist.  I have a separate power switch for my laser that also triggers my air assist solenoid.
It would also be nice to be able to set the number of passes necessary in the Cutting Data.  Currently, I just run my file again if I need multiple passes.

Pages: 1