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Messages - 90percentart

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First update, I ran the file a bit longer and noticed the error may be occurring timed to when my air conditioning kicks on?! I'm going to borrow a multimeter w/ min/max logging and see if I can get some more info on this this weekend, right now I'm going to keep running things in my hot apt, lol. Hopefully, it's a temporary fix and maybe I can get some hardware to help with the power issue if that's what it turns out to be. I still can't explain the maintained zero though ??? If the servo's keep their position I guess I assumed the gcode would still run properly line to line? maybe that's a global, relative thing.. I'm in G90 tho.. I attached my .gcode as a .txt, but yeah I'm leaning toward a power issue.

General Mach Discussion / Servo system 'lost position' but not zero
« on: July 03, 2023, 12:55:03 AM »
Hey Folks,

I just set up an Ultimate Bee system running ihsv57 servos for a sort of grand pen plotting experiment. I'm still taking it through its paces and just ran into a strange issue. I was running a long file and a few hours in it appeared to lose it's zero, I paused the job, and noticed the mach3 digital display appeared to also be off? I didn't get a screenshot but I tried to mock it up in the second image attached. What's odd is that the machine didn't lose it's zero. i hit 'return to zero' and it went right home, and then I ran from the middle of the file right where the error started and it started right back in the correct position.

A mystery to me, but seeing as it rendered the error in Mach3 I'm wondering if there is something I'm missing. anyone see this before or have any ideas?


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