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Messages - XYZgnomon

Pages: 1
Mach4 General Discussion / Re: Flute/Tooth count
« on: June 06, 2022, 11:11:46 PM »

This is exactly what I was after. Thanks!

Mach 4 is now at the top of my list of contenders. It really helps that I can explore the software fully before committing, which is unique among its peers.

I see a lot of potential, and I'm going to work a bunch more on screen editing. Fortunately it isn't the UI horrorshow that its predecessor was, but it's also not quite there yet out of the box.

Mach4 General Discussion / Flute/Tooth count
« on: June 05, 2022, 05:40:46 PM »
I am evaluating Mach 4 prior to purchase. So far I am pretty excited that I can edit the screen, which I want to optimize for touch. I have had a couple of wins already: changing the screen ratio so it doesn't stretch in 1920x1080, and turning off the menu bar.

For milling, I want to display feed per tooth (AKA Chip Load) in a DRO when running a program. Does Mach4 support flute count in its tool library? If not directly, are there unused tool variables available?

Similarly, I want to display the surface speed of the cutter in a DRO. Is this an existing feature in Mach 4?

Haas NGC users would be familiar with what I'm looking for, since they are all standard features. It requires populating the tool offsets library more than most folks do, though; by scrolling right a LOT more information pops up.

Mach4 General Discussion / Re: Menu Bar
« on: June 05, 2022, 04:47:47 PM »

Mach4 General Discussion / Menu Bar
« on: June 04, 2022, 07:39:54 PM »
Is it possible to run Mach 4 without the menu bar at the top of the screen? If so, how?

Mach Screens / Re: Screen Ratio
« on: May 31, 2022, 03:36:04 AM »
I think I may have found an answer, buried deep in another part of this forum, in a YouTube video (probably not intentionally): https://youtu.be/T8-vhl1tWBg

1a) Download and install Visual Studio Code or Notepad++ (or similar)
1b) Download and install 7-Zip
2) Navigate to the screenset enclosing folder (ex: C:\Mach4Hobby\Screens\)
3)  Double-click on a screenset
4) Right-click on "screen.xml", and select "Open Outside" (or shift + enter)
5) Change the value in line 6 to 1920
6) Change the value in line 7 to 1064

I measured my Dell U4320Q screen to have a 8mm menu bar at the top out of a total of 532mm of vertical space (in fullscreen with the taskbar hidden), so I came up with 1064 pixels instead of 1080, after rounding (ultimately this will be used on a 1080p touchscreen). Now the canvas is in a 16:9-ish ratio in the screen edit environment, and when stretched, square buttons are still square!

It wouldn't be hard to edit the entire screenset in the code editor - it might even be easier if you know how to code

Is there a way to completely eliminate the menu bar when operating the machine?

Mach Screens / Screen Ratio
« on: May 30, 2022, 02:47:33 PM »
I am evaluating whether to use Mach4 or not, and the screen editing feature is a major reason to choose it. I have it open in demo mode, and I copied the original screensets. I then clicked "view", "load screen" and then started a new blank screen.

I have already run into a major problem: the environment to edit the screen assumes a ratio that is not 16:9. When I follow up by opening Mach4 in that screenset in fullscreen, it stretches.

This is a non-starter if it can't be defeated. How can I change the ratio?

Pages: 1