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Messages - Gerhard_68

Pages: 1 2 »
Mach4 General Discussion / Re: MACH4 Manual Screen
« on: July 13, 2022, 01:20:27 PM »
have problem solved
in toolpath config was a checkbox
„use frame“ or so
If I uncheck it, the toolpath in the manual screen was disappeared

Mach4 General Discussion / MACH4 Manual Screen
« on: May 29, 2022, 05:30:35 PM »

I have installed the Manual Lathe Screen (Mach4_Manual_Lathe.m4prof).
If I switch from AUTO screen to Manual screen, there is always
the blue toolpath window overlayed as shown in attached pic


Mach4 General Discussion / Re: Set X diameter
« on: April 13, 2022, 03:49:58 PM »

Thanks, will try it

BTW, think was a mistake, had like to post it in general MACH4



Mach4 General Discussion / Set X diameter
« on: April 12, 2022, 06:04:04 PM »

I have installed MACH4 turn with original screen.
I could not handle the x and z Dro‘s direct.
Z can be set to zero via Z zero button (G54)
X diameter I can only handle via the Z offset, but this destroy my
tooltable settings
Is there a way to set X direct like in MACH3?

BTW, is there a diameter/radius parameter in MACH4 like in MACH3?



I tried the last days to understand why jogging incremental with onscreen buttons vs extern buttons does not have the same step size.

When I change the step size over the GUI button then external button and onscreen make the same step size.
=> Everything like it should be

When I change via an additional external button the step size then jogging with external button makes the right step size
but onscreen buttons make the last onscreen set step size regardless that the onscreen display of step increment on the GUI is changed by the external button.

Simplified said why is "2022-03-22 20:37:25.551 - API: mcJogIncStart(inst = 0, axis = 2, inc = 1.0000) (Mach4GUI Button)" not changed by the external button step increment change?

Can somebody tell me what I miss here?
Some Logging and Code below.



OnScreen Button Increment Toogle:
Code: [Select]
2022-03-22 20:36:34.823 - API: mcJogSetInc(inst = 0, axis = 0, inc = 0.5000) (unknown caller)
2022-03-22 20:36:34.824 - API: mcJogSetInc(inst = 0, axis = 1, inc = 0.5000) (unknown caller)
2022-03-22 20:36:34.824 - API: mcJogSetInc(inst = 0, axis = 2, inc = 0.5000) (unknown caller)
2022-03-22 20:36:34.824 - API: mcJogSetInc(inst = 0, axis = 3, inc = 0.5000) (unknown caller)
2022-03-22 20:36:34.825 - API: mcJogSetInc(inst = 0, axis = 4, inc = 0.5000) (unknown caller)
2022-03-22 20:36:34.825 - API: mcJogSetInc(inst = 0, axis = 5, inc = 0.5000) (unknown caller)
2022-03-22 20:36:35.464 - API: mcJogSetInc(inst = 0, axis = 0, inc = 0.1000) (unknown caller)
2022-03-22 20:36:35.464 - API: mcJogSetInc(inst = 0, axis = 1, inc = 0.1000) (unknown caller)
2022-03-22 20:36:35.465 - API: mcJogSetInc(inst = 0, axis = 2, inc = 0.1000) (unknown caller)
2022-03-22 20:36:35.465 - API: mcJogSetInc(inst = 0, axis = 3, inc = 0.1000) (unknown caller)
2022-03-22 20:36:35.465 - API: mcJogSetInc(inst = 0, axis = 4, inc = 0.1000) (unknown caller)
2022-03-22 20:36:35.466 - API: mcJogSetInc(inst = 0, axis = 5, inc = 0.1000) (unknown caller)

My external Button:
Code: [Select]
2022-03-22 20:36:47.619 - Signal id 4, (Input #3), changed from LOW to HIGH.
2022-03-22 20:36:47.620 - API: mcJogSetInc(inst = 0, axis = 0, inc = 0.5000) (unknown caller)
2022-03-22 20:36:47.620 - API: mcJogSetInc(inst = 0, axis = 1, inc = 0.5000) (unknown caller)
2022-03-22 20:36:47.620 - API: mcJogSetInc(inst = 0, axis = 2, inc = 0.5000) (unknown caller)
2022-03-22 20:36:47.620 - API: mcJogSetInc(inst = 0, axis = 3, inc = 0.5000) (unknown caller)
2022-03-22 20:36:47.620 - API: mcJogSetInc(inst = 0, axis = 4, inc = 0.5000) (unknown caller)
2022-03-22 20:36:47.620 - API: mcJogSetInc(inst = 0, axis = 5, inc = 0.5000) (unknown caller)
2022-03-22 20:36:48.021 - Signal id 4, (Input #3), changed from HIGH to LOW.
2022-03-22 20:36:51.017 - Signal id 5, (Input #4), changed from LOW to HIGH.
2022-03-22 20:36:51.018 - API: mcJogSetInc(inst = 0, axis = 0, inc = 0.1000) (unknown caller)
2022-03-22 20:36:51.018 - API: mcJogSetInc(inst = 0, axis = 1, inc = 0.1000) (unknown caller)
2022-03-22 20:36:51.018 - API: mcJogSetInc(inst = 0, axis = 2, inc = 0.1000) (unknown caller)
2022-03-22 20:36:51.019 - API: mcJogSetInc(inst = 0, axis = 3, inc = 0.1000) (unknown caller)
2022-03-22 20:36:51.019 - API: mcJogSetInc(inst = 0, axis = 4, inc = 0.1000) (unknown caller)
2022-03-22 20:36:51.019 - API: mcJogSetInc(inst = 0, axis = 5, inc = 0.1000) (unknown caller)
2022-03-22 20:36:51.395 - Signal id 5, (Input #4), changed from HIGH to LOW.

Code from external button:
Code: [Select]
[mc.ISIG_INPUT3] = function (state)
if(state == 1) then
mc.mcJogSetInc(inst, mc.X_AXIS, 0.5);
mc.mcJogSetInc(inst, mc.Y_AXIS, 0.5);
mc.mcJogSetInc(inst, mc.Z_AXIS, 0.5);
mc.mcJogSetInc(inst, mc.A_AXIS, 0.5);
mc.mcJogSetInc(inst, mc.B_AXIS, 0.5);
mc.mcJogSetInc(inst, mc.C_AXIS, 0.5);

OnScreenButton Jogging:
Code: [Select]
2022-03-22 20:37:25.551 - API: mcJogIncStart(inst = 0, axis = 2, inc = 1.0000) (Mach4GUI Button)
2022-03-22 20:37:25.551 - Attempt transition from "Idle" on event "Jog" axis.cpp:585
2022-03-22 20:37:25.551 - Signal id 1127, (Jog Enabled), changed from HIGH to LOW.
2022-03-22 20:37:25.551 - S_IDLE_on_exit
2022-03-22 20:37:25.551 - Signal id 1172, (Machine Idle), changed from HIGH to LOW.
2022-03-22 20:37:25.552 - ACTION_start_jogging
2022-03-22 20:37:25.552 - S_JOGGING_on_entry
2022-03-22 20:37:25.867 - Attempt transition from "Jogging" on event "Stop Jog" controller.cpp:1815
2022-03-22 20:37:25.867 - S_JOGGING_on_exit
2022-03-22 20:37:25.867 - S_FILE_RUNNING_stop_jogging
2022-03-22 20:37:25.867 - S_IDLE_on_entry
2022-03-22 20:37:25.867 - Signal id 1127, (Jog Enabled), changed from LOW to HIGH.
2022-03-22 20:37:25.871 - Signal id 1172, (Machine Idle), changed from LOW to HIGH.

External Button Jogging:
Code: [Select]
2022-03-22 20:37:31.702 - Signal id 13, (Input #12), changed from LOW to HIGH.
2022-03-22 20:37:31.702 - Signal id 173, (Jog Z+), changed from LOW to HIGH.
2022-03-22 20:37:31.702 - Attempt transition from "Idle" on event "Jog" axis.cpp:585
2022-03-22 20:37:31.703 - Signal id 1127, (Jog Enabled), changed from HIGH to LOW.
2022-03-22 20:37:31.703 - S_IDLE_on_exit
2022-03-22 20:37:31.703 - Signal id 1172, (Machine Idle), changed from HIGH to LOW.
2022-03-22 20:37:31.703 - ACTION_start_jogging
2022-03-22 20:37:31.703 - S_JOGGING_on_entry
2022-03-22 20:37:32.016 - Attempt transition from "Jogging" on event "Stop Jog" controller.cpp:1815
2022-03-22 20:37:32.016 - S_JOGGING_on_exit
2022-03-22 20:37:32.016 - S_FILE_RUNNING_stop_jogging
2022-03-22 20:37:32.016 - S_IDLE_on_entry
2022-03-22 20:37:32.017 - Signal id 1127, (Jog Enabled), changed from LOW to HIGH.
2022-03-22 20:37:32.021 - Signal id 1172, (Machine Idle), changed from LOW to HIGH.
2022-03-22 20:37:35.794 - Signal id 13, (Input #12), changed from HIGH to LOW.

Mach4 General Discussion / Mach4 Lathe Wizzard
« on: March 01, 2022, 07:11:16 PM »

tried to use the canned cycles in MACH4 lathe version.
The work all, but all of them use tool number 1.
Could not find how I can define another tool.
If I set a toolchange in settings I find it in Gcode,
but some lines later switched back to tool 1.
So I have to delete this tool1 line from Gcode.

Tried to use grove wizzard, works also with tool0101, but I dont find
how to enter the tool width of my parting tool.
Must this be defined in the tooltable?


General Mach Discussion / Re: No toolpath
« on: February 16, 2022, 09:35:30 AM »

have the same problem, only axis star and some red lines, like borders ?


Mach4 General Discussion / Re: mach4 license
« on: February 13, 2022, 09:56:17 AM »

found it!
2. license works.
If I had know that I can use on all my machines for 100 $, I would have purchased it years before!

Mach4 General Discussion / Re: mach4 license
« on: February 13, 2022, 09:37:59 AM »

what is the NFS, is it on machsupport.com?
Is it possible to get a second license for my office PC to make screens and simulation?



Mach4 General Discussion / Re: Mach4 Lathe Tool Probing (Help)
« on: February 11, 2022, 05:14:36 PM »
Hi John,



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