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Messages - Involute

Pages: 1
Looks like the problem was with the license.  I was using a very old license from an installation on another machine.  I bought a new one, installed it, and everything worked fine with an air cut.  Thanks for the pointer.

Aah.  I’ll recheck the license today.  I don’t know the program version off the top of my head, but I downloaded the demo version in the last week.

Aah, thanks.  Here they are.

Since my initial post I've noticed that, in the Mach 3 screenshot, line N5000 is endlessly repeated, so I assume that's the problem.  Maybe not, but, regardless, what would cause that?  You can see in the code in the pdf that that's clearly not how it's written.  I'll load it up again tomorrow, scroll down, and see if I can duplicate it, but I've never seen Mach 3 do that before (change code in that way). 

General Mach Discussion / Why is my program stopping at this line?
« on: May 29, 2020, 09:14:21 PM »
I'm bringing up my milling machine after replacing the WinXP PC with a Win10 one and SmoothStepper.  I thought I had everything dialed in, so I ran a program (admittedly a new one I'd never run before), and it stopped mysteriously about 85% of the way through (line 4990 out of 5660).  I can't figure out why.  I've attached a screenshot of Mach 3 showing the line it stopped on, a copy of the G code (generated by Cut2D from my drawing), and a photo of the part after the machine stopped (it was milling out that central pocket).  Also, the spindle stopped gradually, like it was using Mach 3's deceleration parameter, not abruptly.  Any ideas?

PS - I realize the cutout profile should have been cut last, but in my zeal to get the program running I didn't realize I saved it in the wrong order.  The tabs held everything together just fine, though.

PPS - The uploader keeps telling me there's already an attachment with the same name as mine (even though they all have different names).  I've tried uploading just a single attachment but it gives me the same error, so I'm afraid I can't upload any attachments.  I've even tried uploading a single attachment as a reply to this post, to no avail.  Any tips on what's causing THIS problem?

I've been getting more love on this issue over on the SmoothStepper forum.  The problem's almost solved.  The thread is here (https://tinyurl.com/ycmvuw2v).  Good luck with your retrofit.

A Syil Super X3 (https://tinyurl.com/y7b2lg8v).  They don’t make them anymore, though the company that imported them is still in business offering other mills (https://us.syil.com/).

I have a CNC mill that's worked fine for 15+ years under Mach 3 running on a WinXP machine.  I decided to update the PC before it dies in the middle of a job.  I replaced it with a Win10 x64 machine and a SSENC-2 Ethernet SmoothStepper System from Soigeneris (just a packaged ESS SmoothStepper).  I installed and configured Mach 3 according to Mach's instructions and the SmoothStepper's.  I copied my Mach 3 configuration file to the new system and updates the port references accordingly.  All I can do, though, is actuate the flood relay and move the table to the left (using either the left or the right arrow keys).  So there's communication all the way from Mach 3 through to the mill, but it's flawed and incomplete.  Any tips?  Thanks.

General Mach Discussion / Re: Displaying time remaining
« on: March 17, 2011, 04:23:29 PM »
Aaah, thanks!

General Mach Discussion / Re: Displaying time remaining
« on: March 17, 2011, 02:34:21 PM »
Thanks, but where is estimated time displayed?

General Mach Discussion / Displaying time remaining
« on: March 17, 2011, 01:24:49 PM »
Is there any way to get Mach 3 Mill to display the amount of time remaining in an operation when running a program?  I.e., how long before the program completes?  It seems to me it has all the information necessary to determine this, and, for my purposes anyway, would be a lot more useful than the elapsed time it now displays.  Thanks.

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