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Messages - HansDampf

Pages: 1
PoKeys / Pokeys57cnc Mach3 Light Barrier Sensor I/O
« on: February 09, 2021, 08:32:24 AM »
Hi there,

I've been working with the Pokeys57CNC for some time now and have a problem where I'm really stuck. I hope you can help me with the following issue.

I am struggling to include a light barrier sensor in Mach3 via my Pokeys57CNC. I have a tangential knife which have a 360 rotation. As the knife rotates further after a "job" has finished. I am trying to build a kind of "home switch" with the light barrier. I have included other classical home switches without any trouble on the Axis switches Connector. The light barrier works so far, which means it gets power and is ready. But unfortunately I am unable to include it in Mach3. I have tried to pin the light barrier on the Pendant connector (Pin4 or Pin3). Furthermore I have set the I/O mappings in the Pokeys Plugin. Strangely, nothing changes just when mapping. I guess I do anything wrong here :)

Is there anyone on the forum who has an idea of what I would need to adjust? Possibly there is also someone who uses the same configuration to control a tangential knife? I would be hugely appreciative of any feedback. Thanks a lot already :)


Pages: 1