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Messages - Kedmonson45@gmail.com

Pages: 1
Just a update. Found loose wiring in controller that fixed the z axis. I wiggled everything before but i guess i needed to unplug and replyg all the driver boards to get it working.

Motor tuning is
2000 <==actually changes to 1998.98

Anyway working.

I have to modify the G-code to make the spindle start up when running the example files. Cross, roadrunner, ect ect.

what would ya'll recommend for velocity and acceleration?
velocity 1600
Acceleration 300
Pulse-widths 10 and 10

Thasnks i'll try this tomorrow night. Thanks.

Share Your GCode / Engraving on a cylinder
« on: September 29, 2020, 11:07:58 PM »
i have a 5 axis router/engraver and I'm looking for g-code that will allow me to engrave something on a cylinder. or if i have to adjust font size and mill a flat on the cylinder and engrave on that? thanks.

P.S. I'm well experienced with mill and lathe BUT I'm a complete newbie to cnc anything.  Again thanks

Philippians 4:13

first of all you have to check your steps.

for example put your x-axis to the left side
press zero x
put a mark to the Frame where x-axis starts
goto mdi Input:
the measure the distance to the mark and check.

same for all the other axis

I will try this and get back to you. Thanks.

ok i got the xyz sorted out and the steps are 400 exactly but the drives make more noise that i think they should. also z is sketchy if i hit page up it will bounce from top to bottom until i let go of the button same with page down. i can hit either up or down multiple times and it will change direction.

Now i am using a panasonic toughbook lap top using a usb interface "by the way my controller is usb only"

i can manually start spindle and then hit cycle start and the spindle shuts off. i'm fixing to upgrade the pirate copy on the tough book to the proper licensed copy i own but i don't think that will make any difference. "had this computer upgraded but forgot to upgrade the shop computer"

what would ya'll recommend for velocity and acceleration?

also can you recommend a good test g-code file that will put the main x,y,z axis to a test, if you know one that would test the a,b axis as well would be great.

first of all you have to check your steps.

for example put your x-axis to the left side
press zero x
put a mark to the Frame where x-axis starts
goto mdi Input:
the measure the distance to the mark and check.

same for all the other axis

I will try this and get back to you. Thanks.

how do i check if its setup for 8 or 16 steps? if its something on cards they are in the controller and being chines "out of the box system" <---yeah right. i don't have any documentation on the driver cards. "in fact i got no documentation at all"?


Motor tuning help.

I purchased a Chinese cnc router. its a 3040TFIVE usb 800W.  i finally got the bootleg copy of mach3 from the supplier that had many of the settings in it that got everything kind of working (don't worry i have a licensed copy of both mach3 and mach4, so I'm legal). I'm having a devil of a time getting the motors tuned.  I've tried every setting i can find online so far and they work ok but the z axis is dodgey.  i can confuse the steppers in manual by hitting the directional keys fast and the z axis will bounce up and down. i can press page up and it goes up press page up again and it goes down or hits the top and goes down (i have no limits installed yet) same with page down.  when i go into automatic the z axis does not move. here are my settings.

steps = 2000
velocity = 1999.8
acceleration = 300

Kernel speed = 25000kH

if i'm not mistaken the bob will go up to 100KHZ

Motor output

X,Y,Z,A,B,C,SPINDAL are all checked everything else is 0 or X then step and dir port ate all 1 except axis C they are 0 like all the other settings.

Please let me know what else you might need.


Pages: 1