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Messages - X3R0

Pages: 1
General Mach Discussion / Mach3 Pause is violent
« on: March 23, 2019, 10:28:27 AM »
Hey guys, I'm onto my third CNC build, first mill.

I sometimes have a need to pause the operation. It's not a full Estop issue, just a momentary pause, for example if I have chips in the drilled hole that need a little more time to clear out before tapping.

My problem is that the pause button (OEM 1003) is very abrupt and the potential of losing a step is high. Is there a way to set the pause function to be more gradual, instead of a hard stop, set it to be a quick decel to stop?

My Mill CNC , for now, is a drill operation that trams over to a tapping head. I have 1600 drill/tap operations and building CNC was just faster than doing them manually.

Pages: 1