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Messages - rading

Pages: 1
Mach4 Plugins / Re: XHC WB04 plugin
« on: May 09, 2021, 05:30:52 AM »
Thank you Steve for clearing up my misunderstandings about this plugin.
I fully understand your frustrations with the manufacturers lack of will, to create a plugin to support their own product.

I created a new profile, and went through all settings from my previous working profile, and now I have M-Home working as expected. I don't quite get it why it kept failing in my previous attempts.

As for the other functions, It is really just the Probe-Z that i miss now, and you have fully explained the reason for that. I will wait for the next developer release for that one.
Just to understand the "canned function" limits: If i create a lua function for handling the Probe-Z logic, and put that as a M***.msc in my profile\macros folder, and call the M*** macro from the canned script, will that work? If so, then that is all i wish for  :P

Again, i really appreciate your work on this plugin!


Mach4 Plugins / Re: XHC WB04 plugin
« on: May 01, 2021, 07:23:03 AM »
I was exited to see that native support of the XHC wireless pendants was comming to Mach4, and immediately ordered a new pendant (the WHB04B-6 to be specific).
Finally got my MPG last week, so have been spending some evenings trying to get it to work...
I have done a fresh install of Mach4 as I had issues after upgrading my existing version. Currently running build 4719 of mach4.

My motion controller is the Eternet Smoothstepper, and I have the latest plugin for this (there was an issue where inputs would not be kept after a disconnect).

Now to the MPG experience:
Initially it plugged in just fine, and after a restart I could jog the XYZ axis and stop, start reset, spindle on/off works as expected.
BUT here is my dealbreaker:
If i click M-Home, the MPG does not invoke my normal "Ref all Home" function. My CNC uses two axis (X with A slaved) for moving the gantry, one in each side, and each of these has its own homeswitch, to square up gantry. Now hitting the M-Home button on the MPG only moves the A axis, causing the gantry to warp as its only beeing moved in one side. Also the Y and Z axis does not back off from the home switches as expected.
I can't find anywhere I change this behaviour. In Mach 3, htere were macros behind theese functions that i could have edited to make it work, but as I see it, this is now hardcoded in the plugin.

Macro buttons, W-Home and Safe-Z has a text box in the plugin dialog, where you can put in simple G-code to execute on click.

I would have loved if ALL buttons were linked to input signals, and mapped to a lua Function in the screenLoad script, making it possible to customize the behaviour to ones needs.
Currently its only the 10 macro buttons that have this option.

For me, the lack of ability to customize the M-home & Probe-Z to execute Lua scripts is a dealbreaker in using this MPG  :'(.

I hope I have missed something, and that there actually is a way to configure these? 


Pages: 1