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Messages - Buckmaster1967

Pages: 1
FAQs / Re: Help with table coordinates.
« on: December 30, 2018, 08:57:13 AM »
Yes, it's backwards, but you don't have to change it.

If you set your Y home to be 64, then it's fine like that. Just set the Y Home Offset to 64, and Y 0 will be at the other side. And moving in the correct direction.

Thank you very much. That explains the issues I been having in Sheetcam. I will change it, it will drive me nuts every time I look at it. Thanks again for everyone who took time to help me out.

FAQs / Re: Help with table coordinates.
« on: December 30, 2018, 07:23:44 AM »
So, I do have my X axis and Y axis backwards?

FAQs / Re: Help with table coordinates.
« on: December 30, 2018, 07:11:21 AM »
My front is at the end.

FAQs / Re: Help with table coordinates.
« on: December 30, 2018, 07:00:34 AM »
Hmm, so you saying I have X and Y backwards?

FAQs / Help with table coordinates.
« on: December 29, 2018, 12:41:01 PM »

Hello, I am building a 6ft x 11ft plasma water table. Table is mostly completed. Using Masso controller. I am very new at this and learning from scratch. I have the homing set at Z0,X0,Y0. Everything goes to the back left corner. From there my coordinates goes X 0-120", Y 0-64", Z all the way up, 0-4" Is this right? Or do I need to splite the distance and have  Orgin in the center with negative at on end? Meaning my home would look something look X -60 Y -32, Z 2.
I uploaded a picture. Any help be appreciated.

Pages: 1