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Messages - coolfox

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G-Code, CAD, and CAM discussions / Re: Inside of the ring engraving
« on: May 17, 2018, 05:37:57 AM »
No need for rotating tools to go inside the ring just simple spring loaded diamond tipped drag. Technically I have no problem but how to code this task, I'm pretty sure there's some easy way of wrapping linear text code inside this ring on 4Th  axis. For example On Haas controller G47/G107 text or any profile can be wrapped at angle if needed on rotating axis.

G-Code, CAD, and CAM discussions / Inside of the ring engraving
« on: May 16, 2018, 04:52:13 PM »
Hello everyone.
I'm seasoned Mash user but been stuck with creating code for inside of the ring engraving on 4 axis machine. Outside is not a problem but inside of ring or in fact any concave part ( only a section of 60 degree of the ring is engraved) on 4 axis proof to be difficult. I routinely use RhinoCam with pretty solid cam package up to 5 axis tool path generation is a breeze but not the inside engraving. May someone have an elegant solution how??
Many thanks in advance

General Mach Discussion / Re: Boxford 160TCL
« on: March 08, 2017, 02:54:06 PM »
Hi Simon
Sorry my bad, didn't look at the date :-)
I see buttons as row and columns available on connector  was wondering if you have code as Im not sure if able to integrate this controller to mach. Second thing is how you integrate feed-rate override, with surely useful knob to have :-)  ? Is only if you remember :-) 
Thanks a bunch

General Mach Discussion / Re: Boxford 160TCL
« on: March 08, 2017, 05:08:58 AM »
I added Home/Limit switches to both axis and used a Cubloc 220 PLC to run the front panel switches via Modbus.

Hi Simon I have pretty much same panel but not clever enough to made use of it is there any way you can find a minuet and show the way how? Please. Bet there's number of this panels have not been used .

Galil / Re: Galil controller compatability (what works with the plugin)
« on: October 01, 2014, 08:52:11 AM »
Thanks a bunch for explanations.
I aware  of your intentions going away from Smart term drivers Its just bits and bobs been lying around I would like to utilise in simple applications for cheep clients :-)

Galil / Re: Galil controller compatability (what works with the plugin)
« on: September 30, 2014, 07:55:29 AM »
I read and search through compatibility but still could no find answer is Galil  DMC-8240  ISA work with current plugin ?
Many thanks In advance

Galil / Re: Galil controller compatability (what works with the plugin)
« on: September 05, 2014, 10:05:36 AM »
Question please,  when new system set up Mach3 Galil DMC 1800 ISA series (or ethernet 2200), does Mach3 need paralel port driver installed or not?
Many thanks in advance
P.S. (Still don't get understanding what is send to GALIL card from Mach3) Trying to optimise industrial Panel/PC for running Mach3 and Isa DMC1850 under Windows XP.

Galil / Re: PC requirements for Galil and Mach3
« on: September 05, 2014, 09:58:36 AM »
Not to worry all tested Pentium III 600Mhz and 256Mbt Ram plus AGP video card work Windows XP ( most of services off) fast and snappy Mach3 Galil DMC1850 ISA 

Galil / Re: PC requirements for Galil and Mach3
« on: August 25, 2014, 06:01:32 PM »
I have similar question
Recently acquire ISC industrial PC / monitor in IP65 case with keyboard and touch pad fantastic machine have two ISA slots and  one PCI  Pentium 3 600Mhz and can be 256Mbt of ram Dual HiQVideo Accelerator graphics.
At he moment Windows 98
Plan to use with GALIL DMG 1750 ( hens ISA slot :-)
Please advise if possible

Galil / Re: Galil Connector
« on: December 13, 2013, 04:22:28 PM »
Thanks Hood
I understand the great idea to lower the shoke load on mains get distributed over switching the drives 1 at the time, slight picle with Mtsu there not enoth delay as I us diffeent power drives and they have diferent tme delays on they own and some time two 400W ones click together they trigger RCD right away  >:D.  Should I use just ordinary fuse?


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