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Messages - mikel92

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General Mach Discussion / Re: What kind of bit/end mill should I be using?
« on: September 11, 2018, 02:30:04 PM »
I've switched over to 1/4" Aluminum, I think I said that in a previous post, sorry if that wasn't clear.

General Mach Discussion / Re: What kind of bit/end mill should I be using?
« on: September 05, 2018, 11:36:47 AM »
Someone on here suggested an O flute for aluminum. I tried cutting at 18,000 RPM 90 IPM @ .005 Depth per pass, and it gave a pretty good cut, the downside being 54 passes per piece.

What does it mean when I am creating dust instead of chips? Is this good or bad?

Thanks for the info - I am starting to cut 6061 1/4" alum. sheets now, what would you recommend as a starting point for IPM, RPM, and depth per pass. I configured my coolant mister so this should help.

Current tool (https://www.amanatool.com/51408-solid-carbide-cnc-spiral-o-flute-aluminum-cutting-3-16-dia-x-1-2-x-1-4-inch-shank-up-cut.html?ff=1&fp=11947)

The provided feed and speeds from the mfg. seem really high to me, I did a test run with the recommended rates and the tool deflected quite a bit.

The Spindle is a Perske - not sure about the model because the tag is covered by a block.

BoB is a Sound Logic PC-2--> (https://www.scribd.com/document/217900646/Pc-2-Route-for-Mach-Rev-1-9)

I have been wondering if its worthwhile for me to try and figure out the coolant system on our setup, as I have no idea how to configure the airline relays. Is conventional milling something I would be OK using a 3/16" O-flute on 1/4" 6061 alum sheets?

Also, this is a separate concern, but I cannot tell if the spindle is sinning at the RPMs shown on screen or if it's full bore at all times. I have it set tp a 18+ dc unregulated pin, and it doesn't seem to sound different at different RPM - FROM 1000RPM - 21000 RPM the motor seems to be spinning the same. Should I be setting this up with step and dir outputs?

at 21000rpm @ 13 IPM, with 0.17" per pass and its cutting like a charm, thanks for the advice.

What's a good indication that a bit is dull or bad?

Ok, I think I have that figured out on my machine.

After a few cuts I noticed that I am getting a pretty thick bur on the edges of my cuts (1/16"), I used a baseline feedrate/rpm calc sheet to start, but being that the material I am using is somewhat unique I'm not sure what to be using.

Currently, I have my IPM = 45 and RPM = 21,000 - The material I am cutting is a mix of an  aluminum backer (0.013" THK), corrugated polypropylene plastic 0.2" THK), and an aluminum face (0.031" THK). I am using convention milling as well.

I did a mixed calc with Gwizard, and it gave me 23,000 RPM @ 34 IPM for both the backer and face aluminum, and 24,000 @ 121 IPM for the plastic core. Is it switching feedrates and rpms logical for this situation?

Could you explain what backlash is? I've found some information on the internet, but I'm not sure I understand it completely.

How would I know if my machine has a backlash system?

I just ran a cut, and did a mix of inside cuts and outside cuts. the tool went clockwise, but counterclockwise on the out side. Is going counterclockwise worse for the bit?

Thanks for the information! It is saving me many hours of times/headaches since I am attempting to to set up our table from scratch with no manual or anything. I really appreciate it.

I have one more question regarding bit type, downcut vs upcut, which would be better suited for my application? I'm assuming downcut leaves a better finished edge (a lot of the sign work would require this), and upcut is better at removing and clear material, is this correct?

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