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Messages - L2_use_cnc

Pages: 1
General Mach Discussion / Re: m11 and m10 commands
« on: March 26, 2018, 03:03:07 PM »
To update on this I've found I've been fighting myself a bit on this testing on two dissimilar systems but neither having an actual physical LPT port and ending up with similar errors when exiting Mach3 when using M10 & M11.  I've taken my old cnc control pc which does have a LPT and re-established connectivity to the router & laser diode still using M10P1 & M11P1 and all worked fine.  In addition I've been able to remove the G4 from the Inkscape script. 

So my best guess is that although Mach3 moves and fires the laser via redirection of the UC100 there's possibly a remnant of code that requires a physical LPT port in Mach3 when using  the M10P# or M11P#???  IDK I'd be interested to know if anyone else has been able to utilize the M10P#, M11P# commands without error on any of their systems that don't physically have a LPT and using a UC100? 


General Mach Discussion / Re: m11 and m10 commands
« on: March 26, 2018, 02:52:28 AM »
Thanks tweakie,

That's a small portion of the actual file only about 200 lines which is enough for me to get the error.  There are finishing moves at the end that turns off laser and homes the machine.  I thought the same about the dwell moves just haven't spent time to try to figure out how to remove it yet.  I'll work on that tomorrow and try to isolate the problem further.


General Mach Discussion / Re: m11 and m10 commands
« on: March 26, 2018, 01:58:06 AM »
Hi Tweakie,

I've tried it with both LPT and UC100.   My CNC control machine has the UC100 and my CAD/CAM pc does not and is basically a simulator for me.  Since it seems to run fine at least up until I exit Mach3 it's making me think I may have something wrong with my post processor or syntax of gcode??  I don't know I'll attach a portion of the gcode I've been testing with maybe you can see something I'm missing.


General Mach Discussion / Re: m11 and m10 commands
« on: March 25, 2018, 08:14:22 PM »
Hi all,

I've been a lurker here for some time and always found what I was looking for.  However at present I'm coming up with a problem I cant seem to find an answer to, so hoping someone will point me in the right direction.

I've used Mach3 for a couple years now on a diy router without much problem.  However recently I decided to setup a laser diode to it and set it up using m3 & m5.  That worked but had to much delay creating burn spots at end points, so I've tried to go with M10P1 & M11P1.  M10P1 & M11P1 works much better and no longer have a delay, am able to burn simple line drawings and text engraving.  But the problem I have is when I exit Mach3 I persistently receive error 9991 asking me if I want to recover and then a second popup about the application crash asking to send the log to Microsoft.  I get this on my cnc control pc (Winxp Pro SP3) and a similar app crash on my CAD PC running Window 7 both have 3.043.066.  

I've tried a number of things to resolve, uninstalled all plugins, uninstalled Mach3 completely and reinstalled fresh clean version afer deleting the C:\mach3 folder,  Installed older version Mach3 3.043.062, Tried different Output#,  Tried different Pin#.   The way I've determined it's a problem with M10 & M11 was to take the same file and replace M10P1 & M11P1 with M3 & M5,  No error with M3 & M5 but always get it 100% of the time if I switch the code to M10 & M11.  

Thanks in advance for anything you can advise.

Pages: 1