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Messages - froggy

Pages: 1
HiCON Motion Controller / Re: No analog output from Hicon Integra
« on: April 18, 2018, 05:32:39 PM »
Got it! Thank you

HiCON Motion Controller / Re: No analog output from Hicon Integra
« on: April 17, 2018, 04:43:11 PM »
I have the spindle mapped according to the Hicon software integration manual. Spindle is set up for 0-10 volt, spindle index is set to 0 and scale is set to 100. Have R1,R2 and R3 mapped in Mach 4 for spindle on, fwd and rev. At this point I turn the spindle on in Mach4 to test but get no analog voltage out from the card.

HiCON Motion Controller / No analog output from Hicon Integra
« on: April 16, 2018, 08:43:53 PM »
Cannot get 0-10 Vdc output from Hicon board

J8 was enabled. I disabled it and motor tested out good. Thank you so much!!! I will sleep better tonight.

Started up with new profile and had the same result. When I run the test I can see command pos. Counting and error counts and it disarms when it reaches set error value.

Just downloaded the file but can't read it when I open it up with notepad?

Sorry, the step generator is not counting.

Recently purchased the Hicon control board and got it installed. I set up 1 e-stop on my main panel that seems to function fine. After doing the Mach 4 config. And the Hicon config. I can't get any motion out of my motors. when i hit the execute button I can see that it is trying to move by looking at the commanded position but the motor will not rotate? The drive has the green power light lit up on it and as far as I can tell it is enabled. The board automatically disarms after it has reached the max error. I. Know motors and everything is wired right because I have had these motors running off of an ethernet smoother board. Any help on this would be much appreciated!

Pages: 1