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Messages - deeph

Pages: 1
Actually, I was installing screensets before then the rpm gone. I have also made a new profile but didn't work, with cloned profile and fresh new profile. The default set didn't work either.

How to use xml backup in Mach3? I haven't been done that before.

Hi Rich,

I have tried it but it still revert back to default (uncheck) after restarting Mach3.
I'm just curious why before the rpm showed up and now is missing.


It's for mill.

I did that too, but it won't save the setting. Even just click Reset it revert back unchecked.
I have tried reinstall to version 62, the rpm also won't showed up.

EDIT: Also got info in another thread that maybe the setting file is read only, but none of them checked as read only file.

General Mach Discussion / 'Spindle speed averaging' setting not saved
« on: April 11, 2017, 06:44:24 AM »

I have problem with Mach3 that before that just run great.
I have my 'Spindle speed averaging' not saved even I have to restart Mach3. The rest just saved like it should. How to fix this?
And also if I don't select 'Spindle speed averaging', why the RPM reading not showed up in Spindle DRO/display? But I can get the spindle running through all speed. 

Can someone give me the way out?


Pages: 1