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Messages - Slipery

Pages: 1
FAQs / Re: X offset appears to change
« on: September 22, 2017, 05:25:25 AM »
No rack and pinion

FAQs / Re: X offset appears to change
« on: September 11, 2017, 03:04:10 AM »
Thanks Tweakie, found the problem.  Grub screw had come loose on the drive pinion of both A and X axis (A slaved to X) causing servere backlash. (10mm)

FAQs / Re: X offset appears to change
« on: September 09, 2017, 01:20:43 AM »
I cant access the machine untuill after the weekend.  Another thought could it be the ethernet smooth stepper I use.
Cheers Mal

FAQs / Re: X offset appears to change
« on: September 08, 2017, 02:24:54 AM »
Unless I am mistaken it cuts all four sides
N210positions to start at 7.5,7.5 (first corner)
N230G1Z-1.50F900.0 Drops Z axis to below surface
N240G1Y52.500F900.0 positions to (Second corner)
N250G1X92.500 (Third Corner)
N260G1Y7.500 (Fourth Corner)
N270G1X7.500 (back to first corner)


FAQs / Re: X offset appears to change
« on: September 08, 2017, 02:09:44 AM »
No it is not complete I have cut the remaining code from the end ie Profile 2 as it was quite long and adds nothing to the operation (it was engraving a couple more rectangles and writting text.  This is the actual code that I ran to produce the engraving in the picture (albeit multiple times),  Ni errors are generated.

FAQs / X offset appears to change
« on: September 08, 2017, 01:13:18 AM »
I am setting up the machine and have noticed a problem where the X offset seems to change for no reason mid code.
I am  engraving a rectangle which is meant to be with corners at absolute points (7.5,7.5), (7.5,52.5), ( and (92.5,7.5).
I am using Mach3 and a ethernet smooth stepper.
Points on the DRO of Mach 3 look correct but when I run the file. I cut what you see in the picture.
Steps taken are
1. Ref all home (using proximity switches)
2. Go to Zero indicated by the end of the ruler in the picture.
3. Run the file generated by Aspire
N140 (V-Bit {60 deg 32 mm} )
N170(Toolpath:- Profile 1)

The fourth edge of the rectangle finishes at about (15,75) but the DRO indicates (7.5,7.5) and if I issue a go to zero from mach 3 the tool moves to aproximately (7.5,0) DRO indicates (0,0)
Now if I repeat this complete set of steps the tool will travel the exact same path each time. If however I simply rerun the file without rehoming the tool will cut the complete rectangle only.
My original thought was lost steps on X axis (slaved) but it seems too consistent too be that. I would expect the number of steps lost would not be the same each time. Thoughts please would be appreciated.
The picture shows the resulting engraved rectangle after multiple itterations of the above steps.

Pages: 1