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Messages - Seafax

Pages: 1
Mach3 under Vista / Mach3 G41/G42 G68 will it ever get fixed?
« on: March 12, 2017, 09:14:03 PM »
Coming from an engineering background I first used G Code 30 years ago but haven't touched it for the last two decades so hand up.. I may be a bit rusty.

Having said that however, I'v just spent a whole week trying to use cutter compensation to cutting an involute gear form while attempting to use G68 to rotate the coords after ever tooth. A simple enough job I would have thought... set the numer of gear teeth in a vaiable and use that variable to call a subroutine the appropriate number of times and in the subrouting the short bit of code for the gear form followed by a G68 x0 y0 R{whatever}.

But the resultand birds nesting in the tool path has to be seen to be belived. I tried many variations before I suspected Mach3 but research seems to indicate that there's a long standing problem with cutter comp....

So my question is this... Given that it's not free software, will it EVER get fixed?... and if not is it properly and fully implementedon Mach 4?... and if so it is true that instead of running on an old PC through a parallel port I'd need to buy and fit a 3rd party add on card to my 4030 contoller? I acutually have what looks like a Ethernet/USB lcable that came with my controller but have never tried it (if that makes any difference to the answer).

That seems like a whole lot of unnecessary trouble and expense to go to for complete home NC novice to have to put himslef through just to get cutter comp that works.


Pages: 1