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Messages - thetomik

Pages: 1
General Mach Discussion / Replacing X and Y with rotation
« on: June 29, 2016, 10:11:41 AM »
Hello to everybody,
 I am planning one project for quite some time and I am looking for software that could help me. I want to build simple cnc machine, that could cut off outer part of circular plate approximately 2mm thick in specific shape. I would like to use only two motors. One for rotating the plate and second for moving spindle in and out towards center of rotation.
The problem is software. I get data in 2D - X and Y coordinates  (drawing in CorelDraw). Point of my question is - is it possible to setup Mach to translate coordinates from X and Y G-code to angular coordinates or do I have to prepare special G-code for this ? Did anyone solve this issue ? Is there some software, that can already do that ?

I attached picture of desired function, hope it helps.

Thanks in advance.

Pages: 1