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Messages - steel_nick

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I almost forgot to show something I have done almost a year ago - fascinated by the castle of Burton https://www.google.bg/imgres?imgurl=http%3A%2F%2Fi.imgur.com%2FD5uKE5n.jpg&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2Fcastles%2Fcomments%2F1hst2i%2Fburton_basque_country%2F&docid=65Ae1VUEtCUVZM&tbnid=in7vjRvjrN7TzM%3A&vet=10ahUKEwjRz6G42I_VAhVSZFAKHS8WAnMQMwgnKAQwBA..i&w=1650&h=945&bih=662&biw=1366&q=castle%20burton&ved=0ahUKEwjRz6G42I_VAhVSZFAKHS8WAnMQMwgnKAQwBA&iact=mrc&uact=8 and influenced by the work I did with the Victorian window.
Having in mind that this peace is just 15cm in diameter It was really hard to line it up 3 times correctly to do the 3 cuts in different positions.
Hope You like it! :)

Thanks Tweakie,
I made it on the base of this one:
At first every panel was a simple 2D cut (just like the wooden one, but bigger), after a while I saw something looking like this and decided to try to make it better looking :)

So guys,
as I promised, here some projects I was working lately:
1. FoamGlider - I always wanted to construct a glider that everybody will be able to assemble. After some not that good tries I came up to this one, with more than 2 meters wingspan and pretty good glide - it is very good to go somewhere out and play with a friend or two. The center of gravity is fully adjusted, so it is easy to put a GoPro cam or something else and throw it to a friend :) Centrer wing could be different airfoil or the angle of incidence could be different.

2. EPS house - a project that I managed to turn into a nice looking house, using the right paint it will look as a real wood

3. EPS roof tiles - I am planning to put some of these (after a good coating) outside for the winter and see how durable they are.
4. XPS airfoil parts - another project towards ultralight glider construction.

Design was much more difficult than actual cutting, ofcourse there were couple of times that I am not satisfied how an element looks and had to change it somehow. Anyway it took me about 2 weeks designing, cutting, gluing and 2-3 days more of finalizing work. I put 0.5mm crystal PET folio behind the windows, so they wooked really authentic at the end.

Hey guys,
its been a while, since my last post. I am enjoing my cnc, mostly doing airplanes, will post some pics of my newest jobs, but now will show something I am really proud of - A Victorian style window (almost full size)


Ok Sorry for that topic, but I prefer to tell how I managed to fix the problem, to bother someone to try to help me.
So, I noticed the torn wire some seconds after.
1. Went to the program that generates the G-Code (in my case Dev Foam Pro) and looked at the coordinates where the DROs were (did this to be sure that I am looking same types of digits), they were the same, so
2. Checked in DevFoam where I should start from and
3. found from which line I should start over (in my case 331),
4. moved the DROs were they should be, according to Dev Foam, ofcourse I started from the begging of a line.
Everything worked perfectly.

Hey Guys,
Have been using my cnc foam cutter for almost 6 months now.
Unfortunately came to a problem - the wire tore and I am in the middle of a cutting job.
Can I move the DROs (the arms) backward to some positions and after I replace the wire to start over from there?

Thank You!


Hello Arbo,
I am using DevFoam Pro - good cad based soft and not too expensive as well.
Good luck with this and dont forget to share some pics :)

Hey Guys,
I am baaack :)
Last week I was working on a house project and after a couple of bad cuts I finished and was really reager to show You the result.


I tried to cut an egg with my cnc - the result:
- couple of lessons  learned
- 1 hour wasted
- thinking about making a nice motorized platform (my controller is 5 axis)

And by the way, does someone know a soft that I will be able to use, or it will be better to insert lines in the g-code file (as I am doing sometimes)?


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