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Messages - Hayakawa

Pages: 1
General Mach Discussion / Mach3 Soft Limit Exceeded ESS+G540
« on: November 27, 2015, 10:24:24 AM »
Hi !
Im using Mach3 + G540 + ESS, recommended version and last plugin.

When I joging axis this message appears in status bar "Soft Limit Exceeded", it happens in middle of travel, so it cant be exceeded.
After this message appear and if I click Home, Y axis cant be homed, another 2 axis homing fine. And If I hit reset and back it works again. Also at first time homing working fine aswell for 3 axis.
I noticed it happens only when I jog Y axis which is double motored.
Also it happens during G-code run and machine stops, I have to OFF soft limit to finish job.

Any idea, how to fix this problem ??

Pages: 1