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Messages - Fit0

Pages: 1
General Mach Discussion / Re: Physical buttons for plasma
« on: October 10, 2016, 04:54:18 PM »
Looking forward to your reports!

General Mach Discussion / Re: Physical buttons for plasma
« on: October 10, 2016, 04:49:08 AM »
Hi Hood,

Have you made any more progress on your plasma table? If you've had some more time to get acquainted with it, what are your impressions of the MiniTHC? Would you recommend it? I also have a CSMIO controller and also agonised between using a MiniTHC (which I haven't bought - yet) and adapting a divider to my plasma cutter and using CSMIO's analog THC function.

Your thoughts on the matter will be greatly appreciated.

CS-Lab / Re: Spindle control setup with CSMIO/IP-M
« on: October 20, 2015, 05:20:31 AM »
Hahahaha indeed, I feel so hopeless! I still can't believe this is like my third control box and yet I am so useless at electronics... Anyway, thanks for butting in. Any help as to where cables physically come from and go to will be much appreciated  :D

CS-Lab / Re: Spindle control setup with CSMIO/IP-M
« on: October 19, 2015, 01:50:39 PM »
Hi guys,

I guess I must be way clumsier than the OP, as I have read the post a few times and still have doubts  ;D

I finally got to the final stages of wiring my CSMIO IP-M and got to the point where I need to do the physical wiring to turn on and off the VFD and control the spindle speed. What I am not sure about is the physical interaction of the screw connectors in the digital outputs block (say, pins 12 and 25 for forward spinning) and the ones in the analogue outputs part (say, pin 1, following the same example).

So, I am guessing one of the cables comes from somewhere (?) into pin 25, then out of pin 12 and from there... where? And then there is pin 1 in the analogue I/O... supposedly a cable comes ouf of there... and where does that one go?

So yeah, I'm quite clueless here!  ???

Thanks a lot in advance!

Pages: 1