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Messages - mats_webjorn

Pages: 1
I have a valid license fr Mach3. Is there a Fusion360 postprocessor for it?

One more thing to make things work. Mach3 default mode is with IJ-mode (Config->General Config) in Absolute mode. If the postprocessor doesn't change this with G91.1 then very funny things happen. Circles become very large. So either you have to insert G91.1 in the G-code or change the Mach3 config.

Could have been nice if the postprocessor could have done this, but I see noplace where this could be done

I've tried to navigate to WWW.LOWRYINDUSTRIES.COM , but there is no link for "Bridgeport Manuals". In general, it seems like this page is obsolete.

Is there somewhere else where the MasterCam postprocessor can be downloaded?

Pages: 1