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Messages - JonNorris

Pages: 1
General Mach Discussion / Re: This cut is as bad as it gets
« on: June 05, 2015, 11:47:29 AM »
Not being insulting, cause i have done if before, and the resulting mess kinda looked like that.

Is the spindle turning the correct direction?

did this multiple times yesterday, spend half the day scratching my head before i realised, :s

If you do give this a go.. Make notes of all your settings and make sure to delete the mach 3 folder with all settings profiles before you reinstall. That is unless you have multiple profiles then if may we worth cutting these and pasting them to another folder elsewhere and re introducing and testing individually. 

I had a similar issue just yesterday, thought i could have been mechanical jamming, so stripped the pinions to rule out then went about testing each electrical component individually, anyway cut a long story short nothing seemed to be faulty so decided it must have been mach 3 that was corrupt. I reinstalled and bingo. Might not be the case for you but worth a go, especially if it was working correctly before.

Pages: 1