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Messages - sneets761

Pages: 1
Hi, my name is Paul i live in Qld Aus and i am new to CNC.
I thought a TS3040c might be a reasonable starting place for a novice user as a hobby. I know i probably should have known better than to buy one of these but to late. After struggling with the chinese/english instructions i got nowhere. A forum member here put up a link for settings and hooray! we have movement apart from the Y axis.
Turns out pins 2 and 3 get things moving on this one instead of 16 and 17. Have no idea about the 4th axis settings but that can wait for another day.
The listing for this machine showed a control box with a 3 pin socket for the spindle motor and wouldnt you know it the machine i received has no socket and the supplier has informed me that there has been some changes and the spindle motor is now plugged straight into the wall.
Obviously this means the spindle will simply run flat and i have just realised this will also bypass the emergency stop.
Anyway i've written this now so hello to everyone and thanks for the wealth of information i've already found. I'm off to contact the supplier again!

Pages: 1