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Messages - Jim Blackwood

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Galil / Re: Plugin DLL Defective.Reload.
« on: July 12, 2014, 04:54:25 PM »
Thanks Steve, I understand much better now what is going on. And I sort of feel like an idiot too since I somehow managed to overlook the controller selection box in the plug-in config window. Something simple, right? But hey, thanks ever so much for the help. Couldn't have done it without you.


Galil / Re: Galil plugin version 4.6 available.
« on: July 12, 2014, 04:49:18 PM »
Just because it is installed and I've figured out how to make moves with it. Not a real big deal. According to Steve (Smurph)  the standard dll does not need TS or Galil Suite either one. I had GS loaded and played with it a bit. I'll be trying it again.

But about missing something minor? Yeah, I sort of feel like an idiot here. Forgot to select the controller in the config plug-in window. It works now.

On to learning to use it now and setting parameters and such.

Oh, and thanks for the help btw.


Galil / Re: Galil plugin version 4.6 available.
« on: July 12, 2014, 12:39:28 PM »
Options 1 and 2 above made no change.

Guess that leaves something in the configuration.


Galil / Re: Plugin DLL Defective.Reload.
« on: July 12, 2014, 12:38:13 PM »
Deleted the Galil.dll from the plug-in directory and reinstalled by double clicking a fresh Galil.m3p file. No discernable difference, other than the file name. Oddly enough the file seems to do the same things whether it is named Galil.dll or Galil.dll.dll

Removing the serial registration did not help.


Galil / Re: Galil plugin version 4.6 available.
« on: July 12, 2014, 11:52:53 AM »
Sure did Tony, right now I see 3 potential causes:
1) I have the serial and the ENET connection both registered in ST. Could that create a conflict when Mach3 opens? I can test that.
2)In the general tab of the plug-in configurator I have only Linear Interpolation checked. Is something required here for communications to work?
3) Can the operation of the plug-in be corrupted by adding .m3p to the Galil.dll filename (Galil.dll.m3p) and clicking it to install? (It seems to work other than communication which fails upon closing of the configuration window.)

That may be a clue. Apparently I have communication before opening the configuration window (though no data) and lose it on closing same.


Galil / Re: Mach3/Galil DMC-2160 initial set up
« on: July 12, 2014, 11:45:11 AM »
Thanks Steve, LCOM was the problem. 3 wire Proxes installed across +5v/GND/limit inputs with CN1. Works good in ST. May consider using the +12v source if it can increase reliability. (High signal return is about 3-1/2v) Greatly appreciate the help.


Galil / Re: Plugin DLL Defective.Reload.
« on: July 12, 2014, 11:37:24 AM »
Thanks Steve, so using ethernet and leaving SmartTerm closed, the Galil.dll should work then? (I have the ENET working now)

Next question, I had the Mach3 install file and the Galil.dll file in another directory, uninstalled Mach3, deleted the Mach3 directory and shortcuts, then reinstalled Mach3. Wasn't sure how to install the Galil.dll so I added .m3p to the file name (Galil.dll.m3p) which gave it the yellow flash icon and double clicked it. Seemed like it installed properly but since you would know I thought it best to ask. Was that a screw-up? (I seem somewhat good at those)

Now I have no error messages, ST works with the 2160 via ENET, using it I have commanded motion, limit switch indications and encoder counts. Both serial and ENET connections are registered. (Could this be the problem maybe? Remove the serial connection?) Reboot.

When I open  Mach3 I have the Dialog with radio buttons and select Galil, then get a reset (flashing) and message: Galil Communications begun!!
Open Config/config plug-ins, choose Galil.dll v4.6.0.0 and click config button (yellow).
On the General tab the only box I have checked is Linear Interpolation. On the Motors tab the only motor I have enabled is Z(C) Servo. No changes in the other three tabs. Click OK, Save, or whatever that button is.

Back at the first config window select Galil.dll v4.6.0.0 (only Galil there) Hit the button.

And then I get: Galil Card not connected!!

Maybe that's a clue. I'm just guessing something in the general tab needs to be enabled? (Unless it's that serial connection.) (Or unless I screwed up the Galil.dll install)


Galil / Re: Galil plugin version 4.6 available.
« on: July 11, 2014, 09:01:00 PM »
Thanks Tony, I just tried a variant. Uninstalled Mach3, deleted the directory, deleted the desktop shortcuts but didn't go into the registry. I've used regedit before but it helps to have some idea what you are looking for and where. Anyway you said that didn't help?

So I verified good communication to the DMC-2160 with ST, set IP addresses and such and got the ethernet link working. I have commanded motion, encoder counts and limit switch indications so good there I think. The ENET link is registered.

Reinstalled Mach3 and the Galil plug-in (That's just a .dll file with the .m3p extension added on right? Probably contains an installer?)

So Mach3 starts and the bottom message bar says something about Galil now being connected, with the reset flashing. That may be after opening the config window, configuring and choosing the galil. That message goes away when I push the reset button. Then I've got nothing. No limit switch changes, no encoder counts, no motion, no port or pin numbers.

I keep thinking there's something very minor that I'm missing here.


Galil / Re: Galil plugin version 4.6 available.
« on: July 11, 2014, 12:57:58 PM »
I have a question about this. Do both plug-ins work equally well with ethernet? (Do both work equally well with serial?)

I have been using SmartTerm as it seems simpler to understand right now. But if both SmartTerm and Galil Suite are installed on the PC but not running when Mach3 is opened does that cause a problem? (I have both installed)

I'm just trying to get a configuration that works. I've already removed and reinstalled Mach3 once. I've tried both the 4.6 Standard and the 4.6-ST plug-ins. 

I have communication between Galil (DMC2160) and SmartTerm over serial.
I have both serial and Ethernet registered for the same controller in SmartTerm.
I do not yet have ethernet communication. Still trying to figure that one out but plan to use it once it works.


Galil / Re: Plugin DLL Defective.Reload.
« on: July 10, 2014, 11:59:55 AM »
I'm not sure. Maybe there's some unwritten rule that you have to undergo some period of torment before you can hope to achieve small successes. Somebody, somewhere, knows what this means and how to fix it but it sure isn't me. I wouldn't mind too much but this being a business application it causes stress when I can't get answers. Right now I'd happily pay someone to come in and sort this system out if they could do it quickly.

I got past it, but I'm not sure how. I completely removed all the software, did a master reset on the Galil 2160, (thereby losing ethernet connectivity) reinstalled Mach3 and tried the -st plug-in. Somewhere along the line the Reload error went away but now I have the -5 error when I bring up the Galil Smartterm. No ethernet. I did manage to connect via serial cable, (no -5 error) and can communicate with the Galil that way but the limit switches are a mess.

I can change the state of the limit switches in the Data Record by using the CN command and I can see encoder counts change when I move the motor shaft but so far nothing I've done with the LF and LR inputs has had any effect. I have +5v on the limitcom terminal (ICN2900) relative to the associated ground (COM) and it will pull the LF an LR terminals up to +5v, checking with a digital meter but that does not change the indication in the Data Record. I'm sure somebody here knows what is likely to be causing causing the disconnect. I do not think I have opto inputs. I have proxes installed on the machine for limit switches but want to get results on the bench using jumpers before connecting to those.

As for the ethernet, I've set a static IP address on both the 2160 and the PC and now have the controller registered as both a serial and an ethernet controller. It pulled up the serial number on the search. Selecting the serial registration gets me a connection. Switching the dip switch to ENET and selecting the ethernet connection gets me the -5 error. It worked before the master reset.

But my biggest problem right now is the limit switches, and nothing I've read so far has adequately explained how to get these to work. If the state of the limit switch connection on the ICM changes, what keeps the indication in the Data Record from changing? And is there a way to override so I can at least drive the motor?


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