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Messages - Tommix

Pages: 1
General Mach Discussion / Re: Arrow Keys not working for Mach3
« on: January 22, 2014, 07:31:44 PM »
To All,

Thank you all for your helpful replies. I just got back and have read your replies. I did the conf fig hot keys, several times before I posted, but thanks for think that. I suspect the answer is with the Jog button in Mach 3 as suggested.
I will get to the shop tomorrow, try that and let you know. :)


General Mach Discussion / Arrow Keys not working for Mach3
« on: January 18, 2014, 01:30:27 PM »
I am new to Mach 3. I am running Windows 8, machine is a Legacy Criterion 4x8 table.

They used to work to jog the spindle, x and Y keys on laptop would move spindle in the x and y directions. But for some reason they no longer work, I have to move the x and y with my mouse in the Mach 3 window.

Obviously I have moved or altered something but I have no idea what. They work fine in other applications but do not function in Mach 3. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I've a small FAVI key board I used to take over to the table when I was setting the x&Y which was really nice, all the functions work except the arrow keys on the small portable key pad and on the laptop key pad. ???

Pages: 1