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Messages - jomac

Pages: 1
General Mach Discussion / Re: PCB Milling advice and help
« on: October 28, 2013, 11:40:15 AM »
Firstly, my appologies for the late reply, other things have got in the way that had reduced my play time.. :(

Machine arrived, and boy, what fun ive had, and learned a lot too, im finding the direction i need to be going in and have done some pretty neat engraving with it so far, in fact the samples ive done for sheer amusement has lead to a serious enquiry by a small company for regular engraving work, all the same size and style 8)

One of the things i was diverted with, was using Mach 3 and the same controller board, could i make a CNC vinyl cutter that could be simply converted into a pen plotter. Never wishing to turn away from a challenge, i did, using an old dot matrix printer and a lot of shop time. For those interested, ive posted the whole build to date on my website here.... http://jomac.asia/index.php/topic,140.0.html

This is a new site and empty, but one of the main things i want to cover is CNC in general, and a place to 'show off' the latest creation and idea's so looking for keen new members if anyone is interested?


General Mach Discussion / Re: PCB Milling advice and help
« on: October 08, 2013, 09:58:45 AM »
What i like about this site is that you guys talk 'TO' me and explain things, and not like some sites, where people talk 'DOWN' to you and make you feel an idiot because you dont know things.

Im pleased to say that i will be getting my Proxxon MF70 on Saturday, this machine has been custom adapted for me and PCB's. The guy, a friend, is a highly qualified and skilled automation and CNC engineer, has said he will be spending the day with me, teaching me the basics and Mach 3 ::)

No doubt i will have some idiot questions about things i have forgotten, so bear with me ;)

General Mach Discussion / Re: PCB Milling advice and help
« on: October 03, 2013, 05:28:01 PM »
Thanks Jeff, I quite liked the starter set you have, but when i get a little time i want to have a good browse on your site with a coffee and cig at hand ;D

General Mach Discussion / Re: PCB Milling advice and help
« on: October 03, 2013, 04:44:55 PM »
Thank you all for the valuable advice guys, its REALLY appreciated 8)

Ive yet to get my hands on the machine, but my friend isnt 100% happy with it yet, still needs a tweak or two he says.

Ive downloaded some of the software, ready to have a play.

Ive had a good look around your site Jeff and found a few things of interest, do you ship to the UK?

General Mach Discussion / PCB Milling advice and help
« on: October 02, 2013, 10:58:54 PM »
Im very new to the site, so apologies if ive posted in the wrong place. My small business has forced me down a route where i have to seriously look at milling my own PCB's.

Not only am i new to the world of CNC machines, im pretty new to working with PCB software... :(

However, im pretty quick to learn. Most of my first PCB's will come from commercial .GRB Gerber files, and i have some experience with EAGLE PCB software.

My basic questions are, Is there a simple program for turning a Gerber file directly into a format that Mach 3 can immediately work with? (Unless Mach 3 can handle these                       .                                files directly, and ive yet to learn how)
                                 Is there a better PCB program that is simple and easier to use then EAGLE?

Any help or advice is greatly appreciated.


General Mach Discussion / Re: Bare Minimum PC Specs
« on: October 02, 2013, 06:42:03 PM »
Not sure if this info applies to your question but I run a little mill on an old Dell PIII 800 mhz loaded with W2000 Pro.  It's happy as a sand buoy and runs plenty fast for my needs.

From what I've read, I suspect you'll have more trouble with the TB6560 than you will with PC processor speed.:(

This is a little reassuring knowing you can do work on a PIII 800Mhz, ive never run the tests, basically because i didnt know where it was. Being a hardware guy (not software) i did a lot of looking on the TB6560 and i read of some of the problems, major one was timing issues and the solution i understand. My friend who is custom building this CNC is a well experienced guy in this field, and in fact runs 2 mills with this hardware.

An earlier test last week, not a good video though.... http://youtu.be/93vt0VG1dns

The machine he has adapted is the Proxxon MF70 and unless im mistaken, which i often am..i feel confident that this is a simple start to the world of CNC, but feel free to correct me if i'm wrong.

General Mach Discussion / Re: Bare Minimum PC Specs
« on: October 02, 2013, 05:57:45 PM »
Hello Hood,
                This PC is the fanless, 12v VIA running at 800Mhz and the controller board is the parallel port TB6560. The job that this CNC will do is to mill printed circuit boards, maybe the odd bit of cutting and rarely simple small part machining.

My friend suggested running these tests, but being an absolute newbie (but i learn fast.. ;) ) i couldnt find anything remotely like a test. Is this a seperate program to Mach 3?


General Mach Discussion / Re: Bare Minimum PC Specs
« on: October 02, 2013, 05:30:05 PM »
Thanks for the reply, the problem i have, is the CNC is being custom built for me by a friend, and the PC i hoped to use is here with me. I was hoping to cut down on 'down time' by finding out if this PC will run the software in advance.

General Mach Discussion / Bare Minimum PC Specs
« on: October 02, 2013, 05:15:29 PM »
I am an absolute Nube here with Mach 3 and with CNC's in general, forgive me if ive posted in the wrong place, i did a search for this question and found nothing.

Ive read that the minimum 'ideal' CPU speed to run Mach 3 is 1Ghz, but what are the problems and realities of running Mach 3 on a machine running at only 800Mhz? Even if its running absolute bare services in the background, and dedicated to the job.

I have a reason for the question, the PC i have is perfect size wise for the physical installation i had in mind.

Any comments would be welcome.

Pages: 1