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Messages - markymark1

Pages: 1
General Mach Discussion / Re: Arduino ATC?
« on: July 02, 2014, 12:11:25 PM »
Yep that's the same one I found. Thanks Gerry.

General Mach Discussion / Re: Arduino ATC?
« on: July 02, 2014, 11:49:30 AM »
Never mind I'm an idiot was only searching general discussions somehow went back to all forums searched and found a nice documented arduino to modbus discussion.

General Mach Discussion / Re: Arduino ATC?
« on: July 02, 2014, 11:38:55 AM »
The ATC will be an arm and rotator very similar too hoss ATC.

General Mach Discussion / Re: Arduino ATC?
« on: July 02, 2014, 11:38:15 AM »
Hoping the arduino forum might help shed some light too. Just literally searched arduino modbus my post is the only one that showed up. Not very encouraging but I'll figure it out somehow. There's no reason I couldnt use it like a PLC its just a microcontroller should be easy enough. I know when I'm done I'll keep a good amount of documented so others can do it too.

General Mach Discussion / Arduino ATC?
« on: June 28, 2014, 03:03:39 AM »
Is it possible to use an arduino as an atc, with mach3. I mean I realize its not a plc but it can communicate to the physical world in multiple ways. I really just dont want to buy a plc if my arduino that I already own can do the job. Im not up for trying to write a plugin for the arduino to be compatible with mach3, but i am under the impression that plc's dont need that so why would the arduino? I just would like some input on this. I am a newb to everything except for actually programming a machine and actual machining. The rest is currently greek to me, well other than a little self engineering. As far as programming stuff other than something that uses gcode im pretty lost. Thanks in advance for your input.

I think I may as im sure certain things about mach4 will change as programming often does also I was thinking of maybe making a plugin after i finish my first that adds some conversational programming in the mix. I got a good friend who mightand my cousin too. So hopefully can get this hammered out. First things first learn my c++ language a little bit better. Then I will probably wait for mach4 to comeout..

I'm pretty sure that the knock off isnt illegal I dont think that cnc usb has an international patent. However instead of trashing anything I think I will just start on a plugin thats what I originally planned on doing. I was just kind of looking for someone to steer me in the right direction to start one.

I have the imach!!! m-2 MPG and would like to make it interface to cnc-usb for now till I can figure out how to get my controller to work with mach3 just kind of want to be up and running. I am at a point where I really need to test out the motors and I really need the mpg to work as well. I really cant throw the controller away saving up for one that is compatible with mach 3 is expensive might be able to diy it but thats alot of work maybe in the future but for now just need to be running. I can run gcode through either but I think its kind of crappy for planet-cnc to sell these boards with such crappy software. I mean the main screen looks like something a kindergartner drew. If there is a diy cnc usb motion controller out there I will surely look into it. Bout to google it now. However any advice on getting my mpg to work with cnc usb would be great.

So here is the deal, I only have a laptop so I see I need a usb stepper controller. I go bargain shopping without even looking at the plugins page. I see a $40 chinese knock off of the mk1 I think to myself thats what I need. Less than a week goes by and there I am opening my brand new stepper controller. It comes with its own gcode interpreter? I cant use that I already have an mpg with mach3 and I love the mill wizard. I dont want to be forced to use a some software that looks like someone wrote the application in like 2 days. I want to use my mach3 software. Problem 1. I cannot return the stepper controller. **********!!!!!!!!! (explicit content) Problem 2 I am not exactly the best computer programmer, I have dont a few easy writes with my arduino but nothing major. Problem 3 I cannot find a plugin already written for this stepper controller. What am I supposed to do? I hope someone can help steer me in the right direction. I have no other choice but to use this stepper controller please help. If your wondering how the circuit is built go to this link and scroll down a little http://www.aliexpress.com/item/USB-CNC-Controller-Interface-Board-4-Axis-Substitute-MACH3-CNCUSB-MK1-USBCNC-2-1/755250419.html
 Maybe even help me to just use an already made plugin but change the pins possibly. Idk I just know I need serious help. Im a serious newb at making and setting up a cnc machine I can use the ones I work with pretty well so I thought I would give it a shot. And I need to use mach3 because it is about the closest thing to a conversational program that I can find, mach3 mill plugin is anyways. So please help.

Pages: 1