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Messages - DWalsh62

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DWalsh: caution about posting drawings . . . the teacher has a big RED pencil  . . .  a corner chair with dunce cap . . .  and possibly a wooden ruler  . .  and a paddle  :o
Do you really see anything wrong with that drawing?
Not at all. Just a joke based on the guys tauting me a few posts back. BR was the actual target, in a sense. I assumed you had read thru there and would get the tease. First rule of plumbing and so on. Sorry it was unclear. No offense intended.   :-X
I wasn't sure if it was a pun or a serious remark.

Seems there are some talented people involved in this thread, a refreshing change.


Just for your amusement, here is the current state of my ATC - I finally got some time to work on it yesterday.  It's mounted on the machine, and, operating it manually, it appears to work perfectly - the forks slide on and off the tools very nicely, and the tools slip in and out of the spindle effortlessly.  I hope in the next few days to get the top plate of the housing done, which will let me mount the geneva motor, and see how that all works under power.  Then, it's just a matter of mounting the two air cylinders - one long one to swing the ATC to the spindle, and back to the park position behind the table, and the second to push the carousel down for ejecting tools from the spindle.  I'll also need to re-make my Y/Z way cover, to make it narrower so the ATC can get back as far as possible when parked, and re-make my coolant "collar", which right now mounts to the bottom of the spindle, and interferes with the ATC.

Ray L.
Nice piece of work Ray, well thought out and implemented.

DWalsh: caution about posting drawings . . . the teacher has a big RED pencil  . . .  a corner chair with dunce cap . . .  and possibly a wooden ruler  . .  and a paddle  :o
Do you really see anything wrong with that drawing?

It's almost a copy of the Okuma BT30 spindle minus some features to make it cost affordable to produce and sell for a reasonable price.

I sell the BT30 spindle with matching cylinder to Servo Products for $1600.00 delivered (they are less than 15 minutes away from me).

The BT15 spindle is a work of art internally, a magnetically activated internal coolant/air valve for coolant through spindle and blowout (put a magnet on the body in one of two places and it activates the valve), PTFE high pressure seals and 60,000RPM P42 (JIS class 4 dimensional accuracy with JIS class 2 running accuracy) NTN sealed 25 degree angular contact bearing (not cheap) are all hidden inside so externally it doesn't look like much, I've made changes to the design and moved the disc springs internal without sacrificing anything so it now looks like the traditional cartridge and I should have 10 assembled in the next two or three weeks, maybe a little longer if NTN doesn't deliver the bearings on schedule.

Poking around for BT30 stuff and came across this complete spindle and actuator. Good comp.


DWalsh: caution about posting drawings . . . the teacher has a big RED pencil  . . .  a corner chair with dunce cap . . .  and possibly a wooden ruler  . .  and a paddle  :o
Now that is interesting/funny but I produced this spindle for Greg Heyen of Servo Products Co. LTD, the hybrid pneumatic/hydraulic cylinder I get out of China and comes assembled with the switches, valves and other parts as pictured for cheaper shipped than I can buy the parts in the USA.

General Mach Discussion / Re: EMCO VMC-100 conversion
« on: September 23, 2012, 05:34:58 AM »
Don't get me wrong, I like Mach3 for small hobby/home machines like sherlines and taigs but wouldn't it be easier to use a real CNC panel for this machine conversion since it almost has one to start with???

I can get a GSK-980MDa mill panel shipped for $1000.00 (I'm an authorized dealer and do offer cost pricing to private individuals) and the end results far exceed what can be achieved from Mach3

Here is a quick basic image of a design with good characteristics, the mounting flange can be located anywhere on the body and isn't currently shown because I'm not sure what placement would be better suited for most applications and running off 25pcs in various locations would be costly and time consuming for a production run.

Typically the two dogs are made from 42Cr with a hardness of HRC50-55 but most people use 4140 without hardening and I've heard little in the way of distortion or wear due to usage.

If not the image, here's a drawing that shows another design that can be produced for a reasonable price.

While I admire where this has gone and found some of the conversation enlightening, the chances of anyone else getting a working spindle at a reasonable price doesn't look possible and it's a shame becuase I think you've really hit on somehting good.

I kind of consider myself a spindle aficionado, I have the luxury of working with a spindle expert who does this as part of his daily routine and I've gotten pretty good at it.

Here is some of my recent work on ATC spindles, what I started last week is an advanced version of the BT15 spindle cartridge with the disc springs internal and should be done in a couple of weeks.

Yes, even a sherline BT15 ATC conversion happened in the process which consists of a shaft, petal-clamp, disc springs and drawbar utilizing timing belt/pulleys and has sufficient tool clamping force to prevent slipping at 382lbs of pulling force.

As you can see in one of the pictures, they are real petal-clamps, nitride coated for strength and durability (over-kill, I found out).

I'm fighting with some Delta VFD's at the moment (I can't figure out how to make them do orientation) but as soon as I'm done I'd like to take what I've collected here and come up with a BT30 spindle cartridge that people can buy if we can figure out what a reasonable/fair price is I should be able to have something to purchase in about 30 days.

I do have a spindle expert at my disposal and I've made several different designs myself as well as a couple of BT30 spindles that were expensive but I believe I can produce something at a reasonable price based on the cumulative experiences and knowledge.


FAQs / Re: New configuration now homing issues.
« on: January 28, 2012, 08:39:01 PM »
Hello DWalsh62,
If you can find what you are looking for by decompiling the code go for it! The trouble is that it is not going to help you.. There is NO setting for the pull off amount. I will tell you how homing works and then I will tell you about what is going on with your system.

How it works:
1.) Machine starts by doing a move looking for the home switch
2.) Switch is found and motor decelerates (based on the motor tuning settings)
3.) Motor reverses looking for the switch to open back up at 20% of the home speed (this is what you are calling the pull off move)
4.) Switch opens back up and the motor decelerates
5.) Axis machine position is set to zero

As you can see I never said anything about pull off distance because there is none..

What could be your issue (this is after working on problems like this for over 10 years) :
Electrical noise... How do you know that is what it is .. well I think you are telling me that it is not pulling off the home switch. On the diagnostics page please tell me if the home switch is still active after the homing is done. If the machine is on the switch you need to add some debounce to the inputs. This can be found under config general config, I would start with about 500 and see if that helps.

Now as far as you thinking that we are not responding ... I could see that there where people looking at your post as soon as you put it up.. ALSO we have full time support staff to see that if you contact us you will get taken care of in a reasonable time. I don't see the need for being so nasty, it is okay because I forgive you :) I know it can be frustrating when setting up a machine and you need to get parts done and you are dealing with software issues. Best of luck and if you need help please feel free to contact me directly.


I really need someone like yours help with mach, although I am not upset with anyone or the software or the machine, I just am not getting it is all, I have spent over 100 hours trying to figure this stuff out and am pretty frustrated, again not with anyone or anything but myself, it does not seem this confusing. but for me it is right now for some reason

I can;t even figure out how to set 0.0 as home (not limit switches, and I _think_ I understand the difference thanks to Tom at CandCNC)  righ now my machine started going +1.0 on z Axis even after setting all axis to zero at a given location for instance, I have my z about 3" off the table, press zero, then if I press go home, it blasts right past that and the dro reads +1.0

I'm not sure what I have done to create this issue
I looked at he videos some, is there a way I can download them to take them out to the shop by the machine?

thank you

thank you
If I might offer some suggestions in solving your problem which on the surface, appear to be only configuration related issues (mine was just not thinking).

Look in Config->Homing/Limits, there is a section for G28 Home location which is where you want the axis to go when home is issued, if you want Z at 0 then make sure the corresponding Z field is 0.  Make sure that your Z home settings are correct, 10.00, -10.00, 1.00, 0.00 would be typical imperial values, 100.00, -100.00, 10.00, 0.00 would be typical metric values, check Auto Zero for all axis and you would only check Home Neg. for X and Y axis.

This should give you the results you are looking for.

FAQs / Re: New configuration now homing issues.
« on: January 27, 2012, 12:28:07 PM »
There is a setting under config General config called Debounce. Please put in 500 for a debounce setting and give it a test!

No need for caps and all that fun stuff ;)
Yes Brian I agree, the solution you offer will make it work but now that I am aware that I have mechanical/electrical related issues I would rather correct them so that any future issues will not be influenced by them.

I made some small DC passing filters to ensure the selected component values are correct and the bounce has been eliminated so I'm having the boards made and silkscreened in the next couple of days and then I'll install them in the control cabinet.

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