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Messages - ttm

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General Mach Discussion / Update on progress~
« on: February 24, 2012, 07:11:32 AM »
Back from Texas, the folks a CandCNC are really nice, it was a pleasure meeting them.  I have the table partially finished now, I have my home switches installed and a z axis limit switch to keep it from damaging the head again, and they work! z axis hits a limit, it stops the machine, click reset and override limit and you can manually back it off the limit, if you click go home, the gantry goes - to home switch x and y then backs up +.500, i will tune that in closer as this table does not have a full 8 ft of cutting travel for y axis,  ok it does, but the torch head has to be past the slats to get that length

anyhow I'm pretty happy about this! I have some ways to go yet in setup and have run into another couple issues trying to cut a file, but I think it is for another post

I just wanted to say thank you to everyone as every bit of information posted here and private messages has helped me in more ways than you can imagine!


General Mach Discussion / Re: Z home goes past 0.0 to +1.0
« on: January 30, 2012, 09:31:51 AM »
Tom - please don't worry about it. I'm not aware of any rule that says you can't use tinyurl here. I just felt that an awareness of the potential risks should be pointed out to anyone who doesn't know what tinyurl actually does. Remember there's straight visible linking and there's invisible re-directing which is tinyurl's purpose. My apologies if I've offended you - that wasn't my intention. Just trying to help keep this a safe place.


oh no, you didn't offend me at all, I understand what you are saying, and really did not think about posting a link like that, I have only used tinyurl for places like this and a few emails, but I know who I am sending them to, ad they do me as well,

I've run into a whole new ball game with this now,  to top off finding a burnt up th sensor card, something fell from the z-axis that looks like a small bearing cage, I'll be taking that apart later today when I saw that, I looked at the bottom  and you can see where it had been slammed against the stop actually bending the bolts that hold the 1/2 thick plate on.

General Mach Discussion / Re: Z home goes past 0.0 to +1.0
« on: January 30, 2012, 08:21:52 AM »
I um'ed and ah'ed before deciding not to delete the above tinyurl - we're all grown ups right and can make our own decisions. However, if you don't know what tinyurl is then before you click on it you may want to familiarize yourself with the potential risks. This is in no way any suggestion of mal-practice on ttm's part. I'm happy to accept that it re-directs to where he says it does. I do ask myself though why use tinyurl rather than post here?

actually I just tried to modify the post remove the tiny url link and just put a direct link (full web address), and it is too late, I can not modify now, so if you would delete that post, I would appreciate it

I will admit i did not read the forum rules fully, I know i am not going to do anything stupid, never once thought about posting a tinyurl, sorry!



General Mach Discussion / Re: Z home goes past 0.0 to +1.0
« on: January 30, 2012, 08:13:54 AM »
I um'ed and ah'ed before deciding not to delete the above tinyurl - we're all grown ups right and can make our own decisions. However, if you don't know what tinyurl is then before you click on it you may want to familiarize yourself with the potential risks. This is in no way any suggestion of mal-practice on ttm's part. I'm happy to accept that it re-directs to where he says it does. I do ask myself though why use tinyurl rather than post here?

well, it wasn't about using tinyurl instead of posting here, I was just trying to be considerate and not post a bunch of pics to this website that only references my setup, instead posting them to a picsaweb folder I created,  It is pretty common on other forums to use a link to pictures hosted elsewhere to save hard driove space for that forum,  I only used tiny url to make it a simple link, I have never has a problem with tinyurl, I could instead posted the link to save some basically wasted space on the forum,
the only reason i posted them to picsaweb was because to put them on my page, i would had to have created a web page just for them as my hosting sevice does not allow driectory browsing, and photobucket is so darn slow these days

sorry if i was not supposed to use tinyurl, you can delete the post.  if possible, or i can edit it and remove the tinyurl

Let me add, that if it had been something that would be good for other new users or just one or two, i would had posted directly into the message about it, but there were a bunch of them


General Mach Discussion / Re: Z home goes past 0.0 to +1.0
« on: January 29, 2012, 02:34:22 PM »
HIYA TOM, IF you loaded the correct plugin/screenset from the CANDCNC install program THEN you should have all the correct settings to make it work. The only thing that needs setup is the SLAVE axis for the long axis. And then it should be to select the DIRECTION of movement.

The XML that comes with the install is correct for MOST applications and covers all the assesories inputs such as limits, home,etc for the standard setup of a machine.  

IOWS it has the correct pin setup for the serial and parellel ports to and from the pc to the mp3000 and to mach, I'm missing something then, a lot!
When I get back to the shop I will make a copy of the setup we use.

I sent you a pm , hope you do not mind, it is long (don't run ok)

here is a link to a folder on  picasweb , still ahte to just start posting pics


General Mach Discussion / Re: Z home goes past 0.0 to +1.0
« on: January 29, 2012, 11:53:43 AM »
I did put full shots of my screen up and config files on a picsaweb page
just in case someone asks to see one I can send them a link
Better if you just post em right here Tom. See the Additional Options link below where you type your reply (not quick reply). Just note they need a name not used here before so just precede each filename with your username or something else that makes them likely to be unique.

ok thanks, I just hate to use a bunch of file space up if there is no need to.  I thought about putting a link to the folder where they are posted

General Mach Discussion / Re: Z home goes past 0.0 to +1.0
« on: January 29, 2012, 11:52:21 AM »
did I come across that I didn't REALLY appreciate the help

Not at all Tom ,and  maybe I should have said "we" instead of you ;)


no worries, just want to be sure people know I DO appreciate the help!

I am about to start on homes, actually setting them up and working on my z axis issue, but I want to know i am talking in the right terms before I start asknig too many quesitons

Im waiting to get a few pieces of stock monday to make my limit brackets a bit differently than they were setup, I'm going to put them on the gantry one for y on the end and one for x in the center of the gantry, and use a stop on each end of those runs to activate the switch,

 but I can start on homes for table and material loading which I think I have an understanding on more today, and hope my plan is a good one.  now on to setting up home configurations, while I try to figure out my other issues

thanks for everything

General Mach Discussion / Re: Z home goes past 0.0 to +1.0
« on: January 29, 2012, 06:34:11 AM »
Most just don't bother to read and study them.

Above is worth reading and studying to understand. What makes this more difficult is the use of  a different screen set than normaly used  and requires additional attention and information to get to the problem. You can thank the folks in here for going the extra mile spending their time to find what they need to address the problem. Remember that all this is supposed to be fun,
Rich, did I come across that I didn't REALLY appreciate the help?  I really have said thank you to everyone and I do mean it, heck I would still be trying to figure out why I was going +1.0 past my 0.0 on z if it was not for them posting about the button reference that can only be seen with screen4, I would still looking for for some setting on a screen, never even dawned on me to look into customizing any buttons settings.  Am I being a thorn?  if so I can step back some, I'm darn tootin happy there are folks willing to take their time to help. I really do not think I can do this on my own at this point.

I have looked at the manuals quite a few times, I'm just not getting it I guess. I have read the install manual  and tried to reference it as much as possibly to the mach manual, like I said i have been doing it night and day for weeks now,

again THANK you too everyone that is helping, you have no idea what a difference you have made in just this thread, I really need to get all the settings figured out, what they do, what they mean, and how to implement them, in my head and on the table.

I will look at those links agian, I did put full shots of my screen up and config files on a picsaweb page
just in case someone asks to see one I can send them a link

thank you


FAQs / Re: New configuration now homing issues.
« on: January 29, 2012, 05:23:44 AM »
If I might offer some suggestions in solving your problem which on the surface, appear to be only configuration related issues (mine was just not thinking).

Look in Config->Homing/Limits, there is a section for G28 Home location which is where you want the axis to go when home is issued, if you want Z at 0 then make sure the corresponding Z field is 0.  Make sure that your Z home settings are correct, 10.00, -10.00, 1.00, 0.00 would be typical imperial values, 100.00, -100.00, 10.00, 0.00 would be typical metric values, check Auto Zero for all axis and you would only check Home Neg. for X and Y axis.

This should give you the results you are looking for.
they are all o.o , found and solved that one issue, it was a config setting for the go home button, fixed that with screen4 thanks to the help of users on another thread i started

I am still missing something using home switches  though. i have not got that figured out, in my head or on the table it seems!

Thanks for tips!

General Mach Discussion / Re: Z home goes past 0.0 to +1.0
« on: January 29, 2012, 04:58:42 AM »
EASY , ASK TOM over at CandCNC to make SURE you have loaded the correct plugin and screenset.  There are several different applications on the install disk. With his systems they are highly integrated and you need to run the proper setup per hardware to get the BEST results and fewer suprises.

The good side is they are documented in his product manuals. Most just don't bother to read and study them.

then I have the right screen sets, and I have read his install manual several times now, some of the manual is a bit hard to get and put to use (at least to me it is), or something else is wrong with part of the equipment,
even following it step by step, i have even uninstalled and started over, i bought another computer eliminating any possible port conflict (this one only has one serial and one parallel port), that was not the issue,  as i have the same issues.

right now I would love to see someones pins and ports with the same system i have, but it can not be the new ubobIII from my understanding. 

And, I think my issues tend to be a bit fun as the previous owner had done a couple changes or upgrades to it. Pins and ports are different through some of the versions of hardware if i am understanding tom correctly. the machine does some funny things at times still and the input lights never seem to be what I am told they are supposed to be, right now I want to get it working without the torch setup, if I can do that, get he gantry to move where it is supposed to when it is supposed, get homes firggured out and limits in place, i will at least be making some progress.

 I have found after everyday for the last 3-4 weeks I can not do it without help.  I thought i could get it going, wow was I wrong.
buying a used system, that was pieced together (converted from practicalcnc), that supposedly ONLY not needed setting up parameters was not wise.
I do not even know what servo motors are on this table.  but i do have it running correct length if you manually enter in the mid scree

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