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Messages - AJSCustomSolutions

Pages: 1
SmoothStepper USB / smooth stepper and C32 BOB
« on: December 30, 2011, 10:49:34 PM »
Hi Guys,

I am finishing a retrofit of my 1980 Matsuura MC710V.  I am using a smooth stepper connected to a C32 BOB, and connected to that is 3 Viper 200's.

Here is where I am at and lost at the same time.  I have the smooth stepper working, green LED is on, Blue is on, Red flashes fast on the SS.  I have communication with the SS on my computer, but is there a list of the correct port and pin configurations?  Hopefully someone has used this setup besides me!

If anyone has the pin / port numbers for setting this stuff up it would be greatly appreciated!



Pages: 1