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Messages - SimonC

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LazyTurn / Re: Strange tool path generation
« on: October 08, 2011, 05:49:25 PM »
RICH,        Thanx for takeing the time to redraw it for me.

I tried saveing as lines and arcs and also found a problem in my original dxf were the radius didnt join to the line representing the OD,but it still gives the same tool path result. Think il try one of the CAD programs sugessted in your manual instead of rhino.

thanx again.


LazyTurn / Re: Strange tool path generation
« on: October 08, 2011, 01:25:12 PM »
RICH,     Heres the DXF im useing.

The DXF was saved as a "R12" DXF as mentioned in the manual but in rhino there are 2 choices for R12, one is "natural" and the other is "lines and arcs". I saved as R12 natural, could this be my problem?


LazyTurn / Strange tool path generation
« on: October 07, 2011, 06:30:28 AM »
Hi all,     The last few days i have been trying to learn Lazyturn. I read through the manual and all appendixes. Im up to the point were i have made a simple drawing in rhino CAD and inported it to lazyturn successfuly,created a tool and tried to create a rough tool path with it. The path it creates is a bit odd,im leaveing a 0.3mm clearance but the path cuts all the way up to the profile and even into the profile in some places,and on the fine finish pass it gos even deeper into the profile. on the finish path i was useing a clearance of 0. Im sure the problem is just something simple that i have overlooked but i cant figure out what.

any suggestions on what im doing wrong will be mutch appresiated

below is a pic of the tool path


General Mach Discussion / Re: Spindle calibration problems (lathe)
« on: October 03, 2011, 02:09:44 PM »
Ok i figured out why my spindle was acting all crazy. It wasnt a setting in mach,it was the power supply that im useing to power the 0-10v step/dir spindle board. i had switched the power supply for it when i was haveing problems with the index pulse and it was only getting 5V instead of 12v. anyway now its all working as it should.    I also tried the closed loop setting as suggested and now it holds to within 1rpm!.  with the closed loop setting i can see that even when there is a load put on the spindle,mach fights against it to keep the requested RPM perfectly!

Next hill to climb, setting up the tool table
wish me luck!


General Mach Discussion / Re: spindle speeds nm 145
« on: October 01, 2011, 02:15:33 PM »
I've also been wondering the last few days what it meant by "directory".
I was trying to update LazyTurn to the latest version, and had to put the update in the LazyTurn directory.
Now I know :)
Thanks Hood for clearing that up.

The best way to learn this stuff is to keep doing what you are doing, asking questions and lots of reading on the internet.


General Mach Discussion / Re: spindle speeds nm 145
« on: October 01, 2011, 12:22:57 PM »
BOB       i just had a look on the novakon website for the NM145 and it does mention that there can be fluctuations in the spindle rpm by up to 10% and on a 6000 rpm spindle that could be as much as 600 rpm diffrnce bettween the rpm you ask for and the rpm you get.  there is a tab called "spindle setup" in ports and pins. I THINK your machine uses PWM to control speed. I have never played around with PWM so i couldnt tell you how to fine tune it. mine uses step/dir.


General Mach Discussion / Spindle calibration problems (lathe)
« on: October 01, 2011, 11:44:23 AM »
Hi all,       I have been pulling my hair out for a few days ever since i tried the spindle calibration test in mach turn. before i ran the calib test my requested rpm and real rpm were about 150 rpm diffrence at some places in the curve and exactly right in others,but since i did the calib test i cant get full rpm and the requested rpm and real rpm are miles out. Is there a way to reset the calib test so its asif i never did it?   i did read somewere that deleting the liniearity.dat file will work but i tried it and it made no diffrence. also tried completley uninstalling mach and reinstalled it, saveing only the XML file with all my settings on but even that didnt work.

any advice or suggestions on things i could try to get it back to how it was before i did the spindle calib test will be much appresiated


General Mach Discussion / Re: spindle speeds nm 145
« on: October 01, 2011, 11:09:45 AM »
Hi Bob,     Im also new to mach and CNC in general so i probly cant offer much advice,but,if you could explain your setup and what your trying to achive in more detail,im sure theres someone here that can help.

what kind of spindle are you useing? does it have multiple gear ratios? are you useing step/dir or PWM to control the speed?

the more detail you can give the better.


General Mach Discussion / Re: Index Pulse Setup Problems (Lathe)
« on: September 18, 2011, 05:12:31 AM »
OK i tried changeing the spindle pully ratio like you suggested and its now working like a charm  ;D (i now have 1 in both pully ratios)

Thankyou both for all the replys and help, it is much appresiated.


General Mach Discussion / Re: Index Pulse Setup Problems (Lathe)
« on: September 17, 2011, 11:16:43 AM »
ok i disconnected the BOB from the pin im useing so that it is connected directly to the PP. i also tried a coupe different resistors, the original 220 ohm was feeding the LED with 1.3v, the 180 ohm i tried was giveing 1.32v and the 160 ohm was giveing 1.32v aswell. the switch does give 0v and 5v depending on wether its blocked or unblocked. mach still is reading adout around twice asmany pulses as it should,also tried debounce with no luck. Im thinking maby its because im useing the BZ version and not just the B version that Hood is useing.

Hood, could you tell me where you got your switches from?  the ones i have are from RS conponents.

Is it worth me geting some ferrite bushes to try to get rid of any possible interference?  if so is there a particular type i should use? and should they go near the sensor or near PP?

MC, are the switches you use optical?


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